February 19, 2007

$$$ Vision

More and more I’ve noticed that secular models of leadership are creeping into the church. During a recent community leadership program I heard representatives from the city, county and other governmental agencies. At times the speakers failed to control their frustration over their agency’s lack of funding. Obviously some of them have forgotten that they serve the people. Much to their consternation, aside from grants and service fees, it is the vote of the people that control their budget. One presenter complained about a particular Colorado law saying, “It’s the worst thing that could have happened. It has put a strangle hold on all of us.” I see some similarities between church and these agencies. Most notably…their vision is bigger than their budget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----What the Holy Spirit intended to be character traits, qualities, and principles for responsibility towards one another man turned into doctrines and philosophies. What the Holy Spirit meant to be special abilities and interests for doing beneficial and supportive things for one another man turned into committees, programs, and volunteerism. What the Holy Spirit meant to be the imparting of scriptural and moral knowledge man has turned into small group sessions and Sunday school classes. What the Holy Spirit meant to be the influence of godly men having the wisdom and humility to see Scriptural answers for difficult problems man turned into the rule of elder boards. What the Holy Spirit intended to be an inspirational call to salvation and spiritual growth, man has turned into influence peddling and other spiritual superficies of gratuitous Sunday morning sermons. What the Holy Spirit meant to be a body of godly life operating with rightness, peace, and joy in a freedom of consciences directed by Jesus Christ man has turned into multitudes of differentiated organizations each run by elite groups of men who speculate they have attained enough spiritual standing with God to tell others how their relationship with Christ is defined. It is no wonder man’s organizations need his own continuous pumping, promoting, and tweaking to survive.