February 05, 2008

One Book

At a Christian writer’s conference I recently attended I sat at a table with a writer who, among other things, writes fantasy, children’s books, and biographies. She’d never been to a writer’s conference, but she had enough enthusiasm for both of us. “God gave me (helped me write) this fantasy book. It’s similar to Harry Potter, but it will be bigger than Harry Potter. Everyone who reads it will become saved. All the young people who read it will come to Christ.” There’s no doubt people can and do read books which lead them to the Lord. I didn’t want to burst her bubble, but if there’s one book that can bring salvation to all, I think it’s already been published.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I tend to cringe when I hear “God showed me…” “God told me…” “God gave me…” I don’t quite know what to think. History is replete with God moving in special ways in the lives of ordinary people. He certainly told Paul to go to Macedonia. He not only told Noah to build an ark, but gave him the dimensions to use. And He dictated a whole book to the Apostle John. The Christian is programmed to regard pride as dirt, yet he is extended much opportunity to regard the activities of his life as having special direction and significance from the Lord. It is human nature to need to be significant. And the mind can get really carried away in that nature. But notice, Paul was laying the first foundation of the church, a community that would need to endure at least two thousand years of difficult history. We all know how important the work of Grandpa Noah was. And without that book given to John, we would have little idea of where our history might go. These affairs are somewhat different than a Harry Potter knock-off.
-----But I cannot summarily count such expression as coming from the Christian version of pride. The thought of one soul in the despair of evil, in the agony of torment, for the eternity of Hell helps me understand the idea of significance. For one timely spoken, precisely chosen word can inspire a thought that might foster an attitude that might lead to repentance and a soul bursting into the beaming glory of eternal life. And I think we have all observed such timely, precise words and actions. When He chooses, He does poke His will into our stream of history. Yet He does it with no guarantee that our reactions will not go a bit stale with pride.