August 30, 2010

No Apology Needed

Occasionally I get multiple announcements about the same event. Most of the time, it’s a case of someone not wanting the information to fall through the crack, so as a precaution they re-send it. It could be an email saying, “You may have already seen this” or a phone call saying, “I can’t remember whether or not I told you…” Often these messages contain a caveat apology that says if you are already aware of the situation then just simply disregard the repeated information. Recently a prayer chain email came through that ended, “If you have already received some of these prayer requests, just ignore these!” I find it humorous that we are sensitive about imposing on another person’s valuable time with re-reading a request...thankfully the Gospel writers didn’t say, ‘If you’ve already read this then just disregard.'


Steve Corey said...


-----Re-requests are important to me. I get voluminous calls for donations from political groups, cancer and other medical societies, Indian reservations, veteran groups, and on, and on. Unless the call comes with additional information, I regard them as just another poke for more assistance. That is what I like about the Scriptures. They come at you with the same request over and over - pay attention to Christ and bless Israel, but they always come from different angles with additional information. So I know the requests concern something real and significant.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Lisa S said...

This is so true! Just because one has read the scriptures through the first time doesn't mean "you got everything." Each time we read, even if it is the same verse....a different epiphany of what we need for growth that day, will become clear to us.

Christian Ear said...

Epiphany is a great word…I hadn’t thought about having one every day!