February 16, 2011

Shining Still

In her column Ask Marilyn, Marilyn vos Savant says, “When we look at the stars we are viewing the past. If a star is a million light years away, we are observing the way it looked a million years ago, not the way it looks today.” It’s hard to contemplate that the star I see in the heavens today might actually be dead…that is until I think about Christ. Through Scripture, Jesus shines as brightly today as when He walked on earth.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Marilyn vos Savant might be today’s greatest logician. She riles up even college professors with her column, and she always proves herself right. Her book, ”The Power of Logical Thinking” is a read that exposes the difference between intuitive logic and actual logic and demonstrates the practical use of the latter for solving simple and ordinary problems caused by the former. Her trick is to cut all of the non-factors from the situation until only the relevant few remain. It is amazing to see how often we trip over irrelevancies, thinking them to be the heart of the matter. I can hear her explaining that you think you see a star when you look into the night sky, but you really see only the light the star emitted in the past.
-----Science makes the same mistake about God. It intuitively reasons that only what can be empirically observed exists. We who know the Lord all sort of chuckle at the obvious error of such an assumption. The earth itself is “starlight” of a creation event. One might want to argue the Big Bang as being that event, and it may well have been. Yet even it is “starlight” to its origin. But what can not be denied is the marked difference between the Bible, which reveals God’s stretching the heavens out with His arm (like the Big Bang might appear), and the world in which it exists. Its points of reason are always relevant, and their conclusions never fail. Place a pin on a map for every area of Muslim unrest clamoring to “scrape Israel into the sea”. Then pin every area the Bible says will attack Israel at the end of this age. Of course, the fact there is an Israel in the land the Bible said they would be in after having wandered for two millennia like the Bible said they would wander intimates that either some human authors got really lucky with their guesses, or it was not authored by humans. There are many other things that have happened like the Bible said they would since it was written, so many that the probability of them all haven been accurate is itself unrealistic. Yet science scoffs at God, ignoring evidence which can not be refuted. Moreover, its scoffing at that which fifteen hundred years before they began scoffing said they would scoff just provides more evidence.
-----It is quite counter-intuitive to realize that what we can empirically see is irrelevant to the truth. Its appearances are as deceiving as the starlight is of the star. But the message rising above man’s empirical experiences by consistently tagging them before time has brought them is definitely the relevant fact.

Love you all,
Steve Corey