July 08, 2011

Out of Office Reply

Every once in awhile I’ll get a response back from an email that says, ‘Out of Office Reply’ and I appreciate knowing it may be a day or so before I hear back from them. When I send out a spiritual-email I don’t always expect an immediate response from the Spirit, but I know for a fact that He is always in the office. When the Spirit sends messages to us I’m wondering if we sometimes let them fall into the category of spam, failed mail or blocked mail. Worse yet, we’re cautioned to not open a message unless we know the sender. It’s possible that we don’t even open the message simply because we didn’t recognize the Sender.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Email provides no more than a similitude of the Spirit’s contact with our thoughts. That He does effect our behavior and thinking is true indeed. But the normality of His delivering actual statements of certainty for our conscious consumption ends with the “Amen” at Revelation 22:21. Of course, it is not for me to certainly say He has never since delivered such a clear and discernable linguistic message to anyone; in fact, I completely doubt that He has not and will not again. John was prevented from writing down what the seven thunders will say to man, and in those days God’s two witnesses will again prophecy in Jerusalem. I just believe His direct, mental communication of this sort is much more the rarity than the norm.
-----God is the ultimate of purposeful action. He is the ultimate of particular, and He is the ultimate of universal. He has the ultimate challenge of vanquishing evil for perfecting the quality of countless creatures’ unending lives. And He has the ultimate mission of drawing multitudes of people from evil’s invidious sea into that perfect eternity. He purposefully made direct effect upon particular actions and words of particular people at particular times to assemble a particular message regarding the particular operation of His particular plan for vanquishing evil and saving from it whosoever calls upon His particular Son in whatever the time of their calling. This particularly is the purpose of His direct and linguistic communication to man.
-----But that does not eliminate His caring love in the general well-being of His child’s life. We all hear testimony about statements He’s made in His children’s minds at specific moments causing much effect, and some of us have received those statements. Yet there seems to be a greater purpose in His communication to our thoughts being most usually through our use of His written Word.
-----His particular purpose for any one of us does not end with His securing the perfect quality of our eternal destiny. He also desires the better quality of our temporal destinies, and more specifically, He desires this through the effects of our temporal natures becoming more godly. As our will more focuses habits and attitudes and feelings and thoughts upon the specifics of His Word, their thusly directed focus more aligns our will with His. It is like the man who chases down a rabbit for each dinner has the better body for doing things than the man whose every dinner is dropped onto his TV tray. Godliness that exercises into the system of our lives is godliness that we become, certainly not complete and in no way perfectly. And the Bible implies that God has a general interest in our godliness in as much as its imperatives are delivered in terms of “you comfort”, “you encourage”, “you honor”, “you give”, “you forgive”, “you forbear”, “you love”. God could make us robotically do godliness while talking into our ears, but that entirely misses the effecting of our wills. When we become more godly in our own choices, our own minds think in more godly terms, which is itself a similitude for hearing from the Spirit.

Love you all,
Steve Corey