August 25, 2011

Backpack Ceremony

With the new school year upon us some pastors in a neighboring community are sending kids back to school by having a ceremony and blessing their backpacks. One Reverend is quoted as saying that the items a student carries every day are, “items that are symbolic of whatever is going on inside of us. They are important.” I find this whole situation odd. Although I’m sure that the ceremony is well intentioned, blessing inanimate objects just doesn’t connect for me. But aside from that, I really have to wonder if the Spirit isn’t just cringing at the thought that the tools we use are somehow symbolic of whatever is going on inside of us.


Steve Corey said...


-----In a way the good Reverend is right about the things we carry being symbolic of what is going on inside us. I think he would have more accurately stated the relationship if he had chosen a concept other than “symbolic”. It passes symbolism to being an actual extension of what is inside us. For example, I carry a certain Swiss army knife everywhere I go. It has a toothpick, which I safeguard carefully, because inside me is a compulsion to keep the spaces between my teeth open. Its scissors I use to keep my fingernails trimmed to accommodate my need for using keyboards and ten-keys. Moreover, the things I want to do find its tweezers, its two knife blades, three screwdrivers, and even occasionally its corkscrew to be useful. I also carry a small vile of baking soda, because certain foods and circumstances cause heartburn to go on inside me. Most every adult carries at least one key, because inside them is a desire to return to the home they secured by lock when they left in the car they bought because they liked it. And I haven’t even gotten to the cash and debit and credit cards and drivers licenses and ID’s and retail club cards and pictures of spice and children. But I don’t carry a bazooka around with me. I get pretty angry at Progressives and Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the guy who stabbed his wife to death in his back yard a few years ago. But it isn’t inside me to use a bazooka on any of them, except maybe for the last mentioned one. I don’t carry Hustler, bubble gum, powder compacts, or Feen-a-mint because these things just don’t have any connection with what is inside me, although I will occasionally carry a BAR magazine and often will carry a book somewhere. Kids and their backpacks are similar to me and my pockets. The things we keep close are the tools our insides use.
-----I have other questions for this Reverend. I’m quite convinced of God’s attentive notice given to these pronounced blessings when both the Reverend and the child of the particular backpack figures certainly that God will be blessing them. But what about the child? Had there been a child blessing ceremony the day before? And more importantly, what about the schools? When I think about what Progressivism has made of the vast majority of our schools I get this emotion mixed of laughter, crying, and compulsion to carry a bazooka. I don’t say glibly that our children have been for decades and are still being brainwashed in our schools. I can lay out for you the five elements necessary to achieve brainwashing and the programs initiated in the schools which achieve those five effects, but there is no space remaining. These schools need no blessing; they need a cursing and swift dismantling so that fundamental education can be initiated in their place. Good Reverend, are you up to what our children really need, to what would really bless them? Or are you just going to flap your lips and pat backpacks while these precious little eternal souls are marched off to where reverence for your God is illegal, discussion of your God is illegal, and mention of your God’s book is illegal? We truly can consider ourselves “reverended” when we have accumulated the educated gall it takes to draw attention to backpacks and away from the hellhole of demons for which the backpacks are. Humility would publicly thrust the spear point of blame today into the face of these Progressive demons where truth itself will lay the blame in the day of the Lamb’s wrath. He won’t be carrying no bazooka either! The mere breathe of His word will empty evil from this place for His righteousness to fill. Bless that by likewise standing against evil now.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Lisa S said...

I think it would have been nicer to bless the kids. I've never understood the blessing of inanimate objects. It's one thing to dedicate a home to the work of the Lord, but a kid's backpack? Has he ever looked inside a kid's backpack? lol