October 06, 2011


We have a huge recycling controversy going on in the community on whether or not to continue City curbside recycling…and at what cost. We are all speaking a green language, however some of us are speaking through greenbacks, while others are speaking environmentally green. At a public meeting those speaking with an environmental heart compared themselves with others by saying, “We are the good citizens, we do the right thing and we are the good kids and should not be punished for doing right.” As believers we too can get caught up into comparing ourselves with other believers. ‘We’re the good Christian, we do the right thing and we shouldn’t be punished…’

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----In the Beginning Was Information. That is actually the title of a great book by Dr. Werner Gitt, Phd. It shifted the basic direction of my philosophical quest and lit up for me paths of apologetics I could only before feel in the dark. Information does not arise from chaos. It results from intelligence. With everything created, the book demonstrates, information was created, too. Through information comes a message, and in the message, a purpose. Dr. Gitt concludes that God’s purpose in all the information of the physical universe is to make Himself known: Truth.
-----It is simple Pauline Philosophy 101, “Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.” (Rom 1:20) When every piece of information is allowed to find its proper fit with all other information, a picture like that of one overall jigsaw puzzle is formed. And the statement made by its picture is, “Let God be true though every man be false.” (Rom 3:4)
-----Information wasn’t just created at Creation. Everything God does, everything you do, every reflection and inkling you have creates information. And all that information also bears message bound up in purpose. God showed His truth by becoming Christ Jesus. Man shows his falsehood by hiding from Christ Jesus. I like the way The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language translates it, “God keeps His word even when the whole world is lying through its teeth.”
-----Christ is His Word. To demonstrate how true Romans 3:4 is, consider how many Christians entirely buy into the environmental movement and its message, serving its purpose unwittingly. It’s whole proposition is that mankind’s production and consumption habits must be regulated, otherwise man will destroy the planet. The purpose in its message is to posit man’s ultimate responsibility for the security and survivability of the planet, clearly replacing God with man and making all God‘s promises superfluous. This naturally flows from claiming all life evolved, making man just another animal (no image of God), and either denying God’s existence, or making God a liar (I will gladly support that statement, but lack space here.) Both branches of denial rejoin to contradict the Word’s prophecies by the frightening proposition of the planet’s end underneath man’s trash heap. Having this fright whipped into crisis, governing mentality is gradually shaped into the need for man's collective voice ruling the world. Try telling the community trash can be safely hauled to the dump and burned, or smarter yet, hauled to the old power plant on Rio Grand and turned into electricity. The outcry would have you hauled there with it! 666.
-----But alas for man, this present age will end precisely as the Word states it will. So, “Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is true. As the Scriptures say, ‘He will be proved right in what He says, and He will win His case in court.’” (Rom 3:4-5 The New Living Translation (uh, paraphrase))

Love you all,
Steve Corey