March 13, 2014


One of my college classes required me go to public place where I was to survey strangers with four evangelistic questions.  I chose to go to the senior meal site where I knew I could at least find a few friendly faces willing to help me complete the assignment. Seven of my eight “new friends” grew up in religious homes and are still active in their respective denominations.  All of these folks were happy to talk about the influence of parents, their beginning faith and their personal witness. Interestingly all of the participants reference a strong faith, but a faith they are now reluctant to share unless someone else approaches them first and begins the conversation. At first I thought their evangelistic spirit must also have mellowed with age, but then I recalled the observation made by Jesus concerning his disciples, “… the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (Matt 26:41b NIV)


Unknown said...

"Christian Ear" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

Steve Corey said...


-----The body is weak. I see the connection with that place. But, let’s get a little more metaphorical. There are two bodies in the world, the body going to heaven with the Lord, and well, the other body. But it is really difficult to identify the one from the other beyond the dear friends and family members we know well. So, as the two mix and mingle they form a blended body we perceive as culture.
-----We older types have seen how the other body has beat and pummeled the Lord’s. The attack since the 80’s has been especially merciless and effective. So culture now teeters toward the other body. We’ve seen homosexuality go from receiving a detached acknowledgement to enjoying social promotion. Marriage has gone from a holy institution to a farce. A little gal in England recently married her dog, one of those yappy little lap mutts no less, which illustrates the current whacking laid upon manhood. She could have at least married a dog with some kind of dignity and stature, like a German Shepherd, or a Doberman, or a pit bull. But no! We’re all metro-men now, half-sexed critters, as feminine as we are masculine, or better yet, a bit more! We don’t even get to slap our cologne on like we used to. It comes in those prissy little bottles with sissy spritzers so we can spritz it on like girls. And so we are expected to handle our religion the same way, and even our understanding of life, too. This penumbra of the intellectual elite allows us to think like we know what we want to know, but they allow no particularization of your own knowledge to others.
-----How do they do that? There are no culture police cruising the neighborhoods and snooping through our rooms. Yet cultural attitudes are spritzed into every crack and cranny of our psyches. When I was in high school, the penumbra of the intellectual elite hammered cracks and stress fractures into the body by training up useful-for-them new attitudes. One I saw as particularly dangerous was the attack upon publicly acknowledging the stupidity of actually stupid people. Now, you might think I am rather crass to want to call a stupid person stupid, especially in public, but if we had retained this means of culturally suppressing weakness, we would not now be destroyed by the past rule of Pelosi, and the present rule of Reid, Obama, their senseless cohorts along with the cacophonous morons who’ve kept them in office. Consequently, the next epiphany of the penumbra is that transsexual surgery in no way impairs one’s ability to serve in the military. Yet they can’t figure out something as simple as why rape has become epidemic amongst the troops. Oh well, who needs to know?
-----That the human being seeks to behave in a socially acceptable manner has been a known fact of psychology for over two hundred years. The intellectual elitists well know social psychology. Their demands for accepting debauchery and shunning righteousness ethereally drift through the messages of everything from advertising, to entertainment, to news presentation, the classroom, political rhetoric, and right into even the empty sermons of clueless “preachers”. We who know truth are signalled to mind our own business and keep personal our own particulars, until we finally exalt evolution, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, theft by redistribution, and of course, the worship of Barry Obama.
-----You are certainly right. This body has become too weak to speak its own mind. So we are being trundled into the future upon the elitists’ mind until his god appears before us. Not to worry, though. He’ll be squashed like a cockroach. For the Truth always comes back at its right time, sometimes hitting harder than a Mack truck.

Love you all,
Steve Corey