August 05, 2014

Pure and Faultless

The pastor seemed all over the map putting a spiritual spin on social issues with his personal opinion and commentary. On the border crisis he feels lawmakers have it all wrong and Christian groups should be allowed to step in and help solve the problem. In his view, Americas who are on long waiting lists to adopt children from foreign countries could adopt the children flowing over the border. I see the pastor’s compassion for those crossing the border illegally, but I find his solution biblically lacking. These children are not orphans, or seeking adoption — and the US is determined to reunite them with their families who are either already in the US, or in their home of origin. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----”Every one who is of the truth hears my voice.” Jesus said. (John 18:37) Various Christians will offer many ideas about what the world uses to pollute. Some say dancing, drinking, and smoking pollute. Others say celebrating Christmas and voting pollute. Even the modern conveniences of technology are fingered as pollution. But this kind of thinking is the same as blaming the fever for the flu. Like all life proceeds from the truth, all pollution proceeds from deceit.
-----If the people of God really want to help these children, they need to deal with the pollution. But the pastor’s solution treats the kids as chattel. Truthfully, they have not all been sent here for the same reason. Many are probably on their way to the homes of friends or relatives to become citizens at Obama’s command, whereupon they are to invite their parents. Others are MS13 members - lovely little orphans indeed. Children trained in Latin American love for socialism have been sent, too. The truth is, these kids have almost as many connections in both America and Central America as there are them. They’re not home shopping, they’re connection shopping.
-----The plans Obamerica has for them is pollution. Before they arrived HHS’ budget for dealing with indigent children was steeply raised. Then Obama went to spouting off about never sending “migrant children” back home. Central America heard. Central America sent. As expected. Why this lure? Socialism must have a vast base of impoverished, uneducated, helpless victims to survive. It must have rabble-rousers, protesters, and social disorder to roll freedom into fascistic socialism.
-----I say to the good pastor, if you want to encourage help along the border, encourage speaking the rare truth about America’s sharp list to the left, and speak about it yourself, often. The “free” the truth will set you is not only spiritual. Indeed, eternal freedom is on the other side, but the goodness of life needs some here, too. Freely spreading the gospel runs deeply counter to the leftist lust for socialism. In the darkest throws of totalitarianism, kids must be indoctrinated with pollution. Numerous innocents will learn the freeway to Hell.
-----God never gives a spiritual challenge without giving a way to victory. America is colored deceitful from within like a plucked morning-glory stuck in food dye. She was plucked and stuck one-hundred years ago during the fascistic moment of the Western world. Those subversives never went away; they morphed when needed; grabbed opportunities when available; and won control of America’s heart today by one slick sounding polluter after another.
-----Still, God has laid before us a silver stake for plunging into the subversion of that heart. But all run from it like vampires from sunlight. Thus Obamerica will thrive with a little help from these children and cowering pastors. Go be Bonhoeffers, if you wish to help the kids.

Love you all,
Steve Corey