March 02, 2011

Loose Ends

My uncle was just diagnosed with terminal cancer and he said, “I just wish I could live long enough to see my grandkids raised.” I had a similar thought when my children were very young. I didn’t want anyone else to become the mother of my children; I wanted to raise them myself. We can appreciate and understand Paul when he says, “Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord.” (2 Cor 5:6 NIV) Even though our spiritual side may be ready to be with the Lord, our human side says, ‘Let me clean-up some loose ends first’.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Are we knot-tiers or string makers? Some may opt for the former. Some the latter. Others may say both. I say both, but realize even the knots we tie are only in the making of more string yet to be tied. I love the concept of fractal geometry. It simply purports that the nature of the piece expresses itself in the whole. For example, the quartz molecule is five sided. So is the quartz crystal. However large it grows, it never abandons its five sides. The love in the individual makes the love in the church. No love in the individuals, no love in the church! The more grounded in the Word are the individuals, the better the community. But the individual neither steers the church nor the community. He only makes a string for the tying of whatever the knots might shape of all its strings. So however much he thinks he ties loose ends, his string remains a loose end of the larger whole.
-----So I love the prayer Jesus taught. “Thy kingdom come.” His Word assures it will come. Whoever makes strings opposing it will be burned away at its coming. It will arrive! But it has yet been coming. It has been since the Holy Spirit took up residence in His individuals. But no! It has been since God breathed words into his prophets. Oh yet! It has been since He told The Woman her seed would crush the head of the snake’s. Gee. It has been coming since He prepared the good works beforehand in which we should walk (Eph 2:10.) His kingdom comes in the strings we make, if we make strings of His kingdom’s nature. “Thy will be done.” Yes, we must make our strings according to His will. That is the nature of His kingdom. It gives Him better loose ends to tie. The very fact that everything we do makes another loose end for tying assures us that it is He Who ultimately ties all those ends. And that will be done according to His will. The fractal geometry of the tapestry He weaves from all the strings spun for Him amidst this life of sin and death creates my joy from the hope only that tapestry pictures.
-----So I assure Char there are better men than me around. “Should I drop dead tomorrow don’t cry as much as you go find one. You will need him to carry on. For I am only one of His loose ends in your life today, as you are one in mine. As long as we live we make our string together, but the survivor has more string to make.” And that merely concerns the most holy of human relationships. Every relationship we have is simply the weaving in unison of more string into another loose end for Him to tie. Every death may be a dot in His tapestry, but it is not the end of a string. That string carries on in its releasing all with which it was being spun for their spinning in unison with yet other strings. For His will carries on. It is the tying of all loose ends - the weaving of the tapestry.

Love you all,
Steve Corey