April 10, 2007


Recently I went on a field trip to the state capitol with my leadership class. As guests of our Representative, we sat on the floor of the House and listened to the discussion on bills before the legislature. Later during an informal question and answer period our Representative said, “It’s not always about what we can do for you (constituents), it’s often about what we protect you from.” I think the same can be said of God. We’re so busy looking to have our needs met and be blessed, that we fail to consider God's protection. Thankfully, He even protects us from ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----Your point is well taken and entirely acknowledged. But I am going to slip off of it, because frankly, I am a lot more comfortable with God protecting me than with our government protecting me. And I would not have this ambivalence towards the government had it not tried to provide so much for me (which is not its constitutional obligation) that it resulted in creating everything it needed to protect me from. By trying to provide rehabilitation and mercy, it spawned crime. By trying to provide a retirement for everyone and plentiful medical funds through insurance, it has created hot inflationary pressures on the entire medical industry. By trying to provide a racism-free society it has emboldened reverse discrimination and given birth to a censoring blanket of political correctness. By trying to provide a “butterflies in the flowers“, “chirping birds in the trees“, “doesn’t the sun shine so brightly“, and “aren’t we all so wonderful“, guilt free, blissful atmosphere, it has eliminated God from our public conscience. And now it tries to fill that role itself.
-----Now that government is God, anything is game for legislation. If these power-thirsty thieves want control over another area of your life, all they have to do is create either the perception of a need or the perception of a danger so that God-the-government can step in and fulfill it or fend it off - and shazzam! - you are now missing something else you once used to freely enjoy. What bothers me deeply about it is that the more uneducated the public mass, the greater the ability for the government to dominate. And the government is in firm control of the educational system - the success of which is now legendary.