July 23, 2010

Good Samaritans

I’m not an impulse shopper, nor an impulsive giver, which for me means sticking to pre-determined budgeting. Often I find myself explaining to a ministry solicitation that I can’t offer them support because my tithing and giving funds have already been earmarked. Because of my personality, it fascinates me that some of the most generous givers to our church are visitors. I feel fairly certain that when these folks first walked in the door that our church wasn’t a line item in their budget. Their generosity reminds me of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33-37). As they travel by they show compassion and in a very real sense they ‘bandaged our wounds, pouring on oil and wine’.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----If this analogy were of the purview that these guests were helping another church, I would find that to be a sad commentary. The Lord’s body can not be sliced and diced into this church and that church. Any contribution laid into the hands of brothers and sisters anywhere is a contribution to His body. There are churches everywhere throughout the world, but there is only one church. So, in that they contribute to the church gathering at your location, they still give to the church of which they are a part.
-----But in another purview, they indeed are good Samaritans. They could hold their money through your worship service and give it to the brethren in the location where they meet, where its use would edify themselves. That would not help the brothers and sisters gathering together with you. But they did not. They helped you maintain the worship opportunities that edify those who meet with you. It seems like a split hair, but if you think about it, it is not. For our gathering together is about us as much as we make it about others. And making it about one another, it is about the Lord. (Mat 25:40)

Love you all,
Steve Corey