December 03, 2010


Time will tell how much damage has been done to American diplomacy by the recent information released on Wikileaks, however I think some good can come out of this situation. I’m wondering if these embarrassing revelations will force America to break free from some of the political correctness that now holds us captive. Today we can’t call a scoundrel a scoundrel or expose evil as evil because it’s not PC. Biblically speaking we are warned that everything will have its day in the light. Jesus said, “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 8:17 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----How many hundreds of thousands of pages of information has WikiLeaks exposed to the public? How many folks have the time to read all that trash? How exposed can that be? And how many millions of pages of information could yet be exposed? It is not only the Federal government scamming its own citizens and the world. State governments are scamming too. So are county and city governments. So are foreign governments. And individuals are scamming governments and each other. Statistically speaking, there is so much scam in the world that even the enormity of WikiLeaks does not rise to the level of a significant exposure. But the Day of Judgment will expose it all.
-----Yet, your proposition that WikiLeaks has risen to the level of a damaging exposure remains true. Time and space veil almost all the deeds of man from one another. As WikiLeaks has done, the records of history reveal a scant sampling of man’s deeds to whoever avails the time it takes for their inspection. It is in the paradigms formed by those revelations that the nature of what was concealed becomes exposed amongst the people today.
-----These embarrassing revelations should force America to break free from the stranglehold political correctness has placed upon her neck, not because the revelation of any one deed, or any collection of multitudinous deeds, exposes the dastardliness of their underlying motivations, but only because taken together, even without scrupulous and endlessly detailed analysis, these revelations simply evidence once more the irreparably flawed nature of every man’s life while in the flesh. They verify the paradigm which is political correctness’ nemesis.
-----Political correctness develops from the paradigm that mankind is perfectible on his own terms by his own efforts, because mankind, being at the pinnacle of the evolutionary process, holds the ultimate responsibility for the condition of the world, and as such, is god. Of course, then, those amongst men most enlightened about what man should become towards one another and the world are ultimately responsible for codifying for everyone else this knowledge from their enlightenment. That codification is political correctness.
-----But, as WickiLeaks has once more demonstrated about these pompous geniuses of enlightenment, they are not even enlightened enough to speak from the same side of their mouths. The illumination for all to see without havening to scavenge through the entirety of the leaked trash is that no man, especially the enlightened, pompous ones, is perfectible upon his own terms by his own means. All are without excuse, being deeply flawed. Therefore, what each one has left of the decency of his humanity can mutually combine with the decency of others to form a good but not perfect civilization. And if any person should further aspire to perfection, that perfection is available only on the terms of the Perfect One revealed in the pages of history which outlines the process of coming to Him for perfection. What a nemesis of PC! What an exposure of mankind!

Love you all,
Steve Corey