December 09, 2010


This summer we resided our house with rusted corrugated steel and installed new windows and doors. Finding a better rate for homeowners insurance, we changed to a different company, but last week they sent us a cancellation notice citing that the exterior of the house was rusted aluminum and the house not well maintained. It was interesting trying to tell the Florida representative that 1.) Not only is the siding not aluminum, but aluminum doesn’t rust 2.) It is new siding and 3.) The rustic look was intentional and well suited for Colorado. I’m reminded of seeing an octogenarian being baptized into Christ…even though they come out of the water a new creation, they still have that lived in look.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I hope you get this misunderstanding worked out with them. In all likelihood, your chosen renovation was simply outside their normal course of experience. This trips us all up now and then. I spent the entire morning sitting in a jury pool. The first juror candidate called for consideration had a heavy black mustache and long black hair streaming down to the middle of his back. As I watched him proceed from the gallery to the juror’s box, I wondered what kind of character this must be and what might be brewing in his life. As he answered the dozen or so questions posted on the marker board, my impression of him began to turn upward. He was sixty-seven (looked fiftyish at most), married, and had three kids. Respectable. But towards the end of the questions, to the one concerning what kind of reading he did, he replied straightforward with no hesitation or hype, “I read the Bible. I don’t watch TV. And I listen to talk radio.” In a brotherly sense, I was in love.
-----”There is one lawgiver and judge, He who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you that you judge your neighbor?” (James 4:12) What did I even know about this guy before he began revealing himself, other than his outward appearance? And the funny thing was, after I heard what he had to say, he even looked different. We choose our styles according to our tastes, and that is all they are - styles. Then we give our chosen style meaning according to our characters. And this is where judgment fails. I could not relate to the meaning of this man’s hair without knowing something of his character anymore than your insurance company could know the meaning of your rusty siding without knowing your renovation.

Love you all,
Steve Corey