May 27, 2011


An article in our local paper describes the efforts of a 5th grader who is organizing a club to stop bullying. The strategy of the club is to “talk, walk and squawk”, which means ask the bully why they are being mean, walk away and tell an adult what happened. I love it…maybe we in the church should adopt a similar slogan. Though believers hate to label it as such, there are bullies in the church. Our normal Biblical remedy for bullies is to take all our burdens to Him. However there is also Scripture that directs us to talk and walk first…then we can squawk to the Lord.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Watching Progressive mentality deal with the dysfunctions of human nature provides me great entertainment and an endless supply of ponder fodder. They are like a family desiring the fun of an outdoor barbeque frustrated by the need to be constantly swatting mosquitoes. They neither explore ways to enjoy eating within the safety of their house, nor tolerate a broad application of insecticide, so they opt for only a sense of accomplishment gained from slapping individual bugs out of the great swarm of them while scratching numerous bites.
-----It would not be fair to lay this assessment at the feet of an ambitious 5th grader if it were not an accurate assessment. Bullying is a problem, and this 5th grader is quite noble to attempt a solution. But the cause of bullying is made of the same thirst for blood that are all the other social ills swarming about us. Some aid can be had in targeting that individual mosquito, but more would be had from targeting thirst for blood.
-----Imagine the world if there had been no Madalyn O’Hair and if bullying the Bible about its not being a scientific textbook had not led to the sociopolitical rejection of its actually being a spiritual textbook. I remember public announcements often aired on TV by the Ad Council about attending church. Imagine that having continued during the last forty years. Imagine the last forty years free of the moral degradation of entertainment in general and the imagery of TV, movies, music, and advertisements having not been sterile of even the simplest acknowledgement of a Holy God and man’s humble duty to reflect His nature. Imagine the Bible having been honored in literature classrooms at least as much as were Dickinson, Poe, and Fitzgerald and as used in philosophy classes as much as were Rousseau, Hume, and Aristotle. Imagine the last forty years without that neurotic Progressive drive to replace God with man.
-----This world is not repairable by man, and such forty years would not have fumigated its mosquitoes into non-existence. But neither would the swarm of them be as unbearably thick as it is today nor would their taste for blood be as insatiable. It doesn’t take Hillary’s book to know it takes a village to raise a child. But it takes more wisdom than Progressives exhibit to know that if a village is not right, neither will be its children. I do not deny any benefit at all of this 5th grader’s ambitions. But I know the talk, walk, and squawk concept is being publicized by the same moral elitists who turn a deaf ear to the Word of God, and I reserve the right to be entertained by watching a village swat a single mosquito or two of the growing swarm it refuses to fumigate.

Love you all,
Steve Corey