November 22, 2013

What You Ask For

Three months ago my friend had a breast biopsy and I prayed was that no cancer would be found. My prayer was answered, but the radiologist called her back last week for another biopsy. In hindsight I realize that my prayer should have been, if there is cancer, please let them find it. God does have a sense of humor. No sooner had that thought crossed my mind than I received a call from my own radiologist wanting to re-do my mammogram for clarification. Well there you go now; at least I know what to pray for in this situation.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. And He who searches the hearts of men knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” (Rom 8:26-27) I love The Lord’s Prayer, yet I don’t think it is His prayer. I think it is His template for prayer.
-----I’ve worked almost my entire CPA career without a secretary. So I'm exposed to the business elements while some of the work I'm doing sinks me into mental depths. My attention intensifies while my focus zeros in upon only a small set of assorted details. Then the phone rings. It’s a dreadful moment for me! Whoever is on the other end of that line is calling from a completely different world than what now frames my mind. It can be someone I’ve known for years, yet any search for a name matching the familiar voice is like finding Waldo. And once he’s found, piecing together his frame of interest becomes finding Waldo’s luggage.
-----Consciousness is a general focus upon various mental frameworks interrelating seamlessly into one while having a more specific focus moving from one part of it all to another. The Lord’s Prayer is this situation. Whether we move mentally into its elements sequentially, or turn them on all at once like a set of stadium lights matters less than the fact that every element of its framework has something to do with all its other elements. They together bear a meshwork of interrelated meaning.
-----We bring our needs and desires to such an undeniably holy Father that our ambitions more adjust to what’s right, peaceful, and joyful for everything living here as He would have it living in His presence, joining Him in dropping any regard for personal relevance about wrongs done, thus attracting us to the doing of good rather than evil. Anyway, that’s kind of how I feel the Lord’s template for prayer frames my mind. And it makes me feel like there is a bigger part to be perceived than our needs alone - a part that's going to somewhat reshape our needs as things play out, whether we more fully perceive it that way or not.

Love you all,
Steve Corey