April 17, 2014

It Really is the Cross

A video has surfaced showing a large meeting of Al-Qaeda in Yemen. We all understand their hatred for America and their determination to eliminate our influence in the world. However, the video showed Al-Wuhayshi, a new leader and second in command of Al-Qaeda, wanting more attacks on the US because, “We must eliminate the cross … and the bearer of the cross is America.” Ah-ha! So United States of America is not their enemy, but rather it is the cross of Christ. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’ve never actually heard it put into words. In talking to his disciples about the signs of the End of the Age, Jesus said, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Yes. It really is the cross. The correlations between what are the Muslim beliefs and what is the Biblical depiction of the anti-Christ are amazing. They fit each other in detail. The correlations between current events and the alignments of the peoples involved in Armageddon is alarming. And well it should be. We scoff at the tenth century mentality which thought the end of that century would be the end of the evil age. We scoff at William Miller. We scoff at Ken Weisenhunt. And we intend that scoffing to be derisive towards anyone who thinks the end of the age is upon us.
-----William Miller had nothing but number games to play upon Daniel 8:14 and 12:11. The tenth century mentality and Ken Weisenhunt both had some elements of correlation between their current histories and biblical prophecy. But neither were able to “watch” the prophecies in by watching current events develop to that end like we are seemingly able to do today.
-----Georgia, Crimea, and the Ukraine are definitely getting a Russian hook put in their jaw. Russia is showing surprising antagonism and taunt to war. It is interesting that Georgia, Crimea, and the Ukraine are the lands of the ancient Scythians, the Magogites, as they were earlier called. It is illuminating that Ezekiel 38:1-6 portrays God putting a hook in their jaws and leading them into battle along with Persia (Iran,) Cush (Ethiopia and the Sudan,) Put (Lybia,) Gomer (Germany and much of Western Europe,) Beth-Togarmah from the uttermost North (Russia.) The recent stirrings amongst these peoples are simply eerie.
-----The history of the Muslim empire, the formation of Israel as a nation, the mortally wounded dragon head come back to life, the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim attitudes about beheading for lack of Muslim faith, lying for the gain of the Muslim cause, most all Muslim eschatology, and the Bible’s description of those final seven years of this evil age interlock like puzzle pieces. Now we have become aware of signs in the heavens, to boot.
-----I will face the derision and the scoffing. Even Billy Graham has stated that the alignments of the times have never portended the final seven years of evil like does today. It is no wonder those who love the Lord and His righteousness are so ignored, belittled, and mistreated. Cockroaches gather in the darkness and spread their filth across the entire kitchen. And though this is much of the Revelation message, its point is the light switched on and the swatting of every light-blinded, horrified cockroach for the security of all who love what is right and glorious and loving.

Love you all,
Steve Corey