July 01, 2014

Home Sweet Home

As I visit different churches I’m struck by the connection, or lack of connection, I feel with the music selections. One church sang only praise songs which were worshipful, but I’d never heard any of them before. Another church sang traditional hymns, most I knew, but a couple were unfamiliar. When we sang “Onward, Christian Soldiers” I was immediately transported to a familiar place and I felt at home. My thoughts turned to folks who’ve drifted away from the Lord. Hopefully they will find some sort of familiarity when, and if, they hear the Spirit tell them, “Get up, take your mat and go home” (Matt 9:6b NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Familiarity with certain music shouldn’t really be important. Neither should people be sinners. Maybe it is because of the latter we need some of the former. Things stir inside us heartbrokenly. When for many decades a song has stitched together a wide spectrum of thoughts faithful to God’s truths, it becomes like a locomotive tugging them all through your heart so deeply you don’t quite think them where they fill up dark tunnels with substances of calm and joy you’ve known before. There’s a lot to be said for familiarity. And nobody can say any piece of music is irrelevant, even the new stuff.
-----Neither can any music leader know what tunes will serve particular hearts of need in any given congregation. It is the willingness to use the broader spectrum which gives the Spirit more opportunity to match a broken heart with just the right tune. And more than just the medication carried by a familiar tune is the communication to the soothed that the Spirit really has brought loving people into participation with their stresses and trials.

Love you all,
Steve Corey