September 24, 2014


I read over the counter medication labels in order to match my symptoms to the medication stated purpose — whether it’s for pain, burns, or itching. On more than one occasion I’ve swallowed the pill or rubbed on the ointment before reading the “do not warning.”  Lately I’ve had a lingering itch on the back of my head so I grabbed a tube of anti-itch medication and it was only after I’d applied the medicine that I read the full label, “Do not use on scalp …” Many of us do something similar when we read the Bible looking for a spiritual cure — we simply don’t read the spiritual warnings. Jesus healed the man who had been an invalid for 38 years and later found the man at the temple. Verbalizing the warning label Jesus said, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you” (John 5:14 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----An Ivy League professor finally tired of teaching the inner workings of cells by lifeless, snapshots of book illustrations. So he created animations. ABC News brought us one clip of those animations in a story about his marvel. It animated how cells dumped waste product from their interiors. At some signal, proteins came together and formed a bag bundling the waste together. A few other proteins converged into two chains attaching the bundle to a third protein chain, who’s other end had to it linked two more protein chains, each with a “foot” having a particular tread pattern in its “sole”. These tread patterns keyed into the conforming patterns of a track way forming out of countless other proteins linking at its end to a portal in the cell wall. This tiny mechanism, looking just like a stickman carrying a bag of garbage, walked the distance of that track way to the portal and threw out the trash, after which all of the participating proteins detached and drifted off to be called to their next task. Only a feat a woman could demand of her husband!
-----Well. Not quite that good. What really dropped my jaw about this wonder was closing comment made by the professor. At any given moment, every cell in your body has some ten thousand of these “take out the trash” procedures in process! Now that’s amazing! Cells must be full of wives! Then, to realize that the interior of a cell is more complicated in all its inner mechanisms and their processes than all of the mechanisms and systems of a Boeing 747 frames an understanding for God‘s place in man‘s survival. And there are numerous varieties of cells performing countless tasks, such that the body operates like a nation of cells all joined into a living, moving, doing-things mass. Now. Like we know something, we’re going to pitch a handful of foreign chemicals into that complex and endlessly vast system expecting only one beneficial effect? Not really. We know better. That’s why all the warning labels.
-----God’s first warning label was, “Don’t know more than I meant you to know.” OK. Ok. It was, “Don’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” If man had obeyed the warning, God’s processes of righteousness would have continued maintaining all of the systems and doings and carryings-on of man’s being. And of course, righteousness is simply things done right. But since man chose not to do things right, that is, since he chose to eat of the forbidden tree, God’s maintaining the rightness of every process of all creation’s systems ended. Oh! For sure He maintains the rightness of our places He knows is right for Him to maintain. Look at all the miracles He does around you (which the scientific world loves to call “coincidences” and “good luck” and other obfuscations of the truth.)
-----But we are left alone to effect the rest of rightness our survival needs. This is why simply getting something to eat and a place to sleep is blasted hard work. And thanks to politicians’ deceit, even getting a job so you can get something to eat and a place to sleep is hard work. And for an increasing number of people, maintaining an attitude of desire to work is such hard work that they won’t. And all of these side effects of the bitter pill Eve swallowed and fed to her feckless Adam happen on the macro scale we can individually engage. Yet this “shared responsibility” given by God as a punishment for not following His label extends even into our microscopic world of cells, to which we have arrived in these days with pill bottles in hand. No wonder the Creator had to die to establish a system by which everything desiring right could become right, with neither side effects, nor pills, nor hard work.

Love you all,
Steve Corey