January 09, 2015


My brother-in-law was taken to the Emergency Room of a local hospital and I spent a few hours in a packed waiting room and ER cubical area. Similar to a restaurant maĆ®tre d' telling customers they’d be seated as soon as a table was available, the admissions clerk put names of patients on a “triage list” as they waited for the next available bed. One man, who was riddled with the flu, stayed slumped in his chair when he wasn’t loudly regurgitating in the bathroom. I knew I was in a large petri dish when I watched a healthy husband and wife, grab face masks, hand sanitizer and moved to the far side of the room. And to think there is something more unclean than a germ, or a virus. “Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’” (Matt 15:10-11 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----As soon as I read, “…something more unclean than a germ, or a virus,” I saw the world as that emergency room. And I don’t mean in the sense that it heals anything, though it gives a fool’s effort, but in the sense that it is full of spiritual diseases passing with abandon from one person to the other. I am sure there’s been places and times where people have more thrown off the clothing of self restraint and wandered through public in the ugly nakedness of their vile inward being than what we‘re seeing today. How many years have we heard various rappers rapping out the glories of cop killing? The whole nation watched that little crowd marching down a street chanting for cop killing. And the public response is freedom of speech because nobody's to say what's true or define what's good? That’s like the nurses in the ER telling Flu-guy he has the right to vomit on anyone because nobody's to say where vomiting is right for him or what vomiting is to him. Others can’t figure out nature’s mixture of body parts, let alone acknowledge God’s meaning of sexuality. They invite what’s supposed to be done on the potty right into their beds of intimacy, then they bully normal folks into approving this nastiness by baking them cakes and printing their vile expressions on T-shirts. It is sort of a backwards first amendment thing wherein others can even be forced to speak vileness for them. And the portrayal and celebration of vulgarity, promiscuity, vengeance, and self-fidelity has become the substance and fiber of entertainment. They use freedom of speech as if it were certification of public approval. These lovers of everything indecent to outright wicked and oppositional to God would have us all believe that since nobody’s to say what’s true, since good can not be defined, then anything they want is true and good and worthy of governmental protection. Thus, even our government has waffled on its God-given duties and now serves the vile.
-----We’ve come to the place where it seems everyone vomits all over everyone else, and they all are feeling completely normal about it. Dare to meantion this indecency and immediately they agree vomitting is vile and accuse you of doing it! Sodom and Gomorrah roasted for it. The whole world of Noah’s time drowned for it. Rome dripped with it. Even the response to it from the “pious ones” of the Eastern world is to run around shouting “Allahu akbar” in fits of moral insanity, shooting and beheading people with orgasmic glee.
-----Don’t be fooled, folks, “Revelation: The End of Days” is not near. For days will not end with the Revelation event. Nor will the world. Revelation: The End of Evil is very near. Evil people will end with it. Their vile communications will be silenced as their freedom to vomit all over everyone will be gloriously repealed. And their miserable shouts of “Who’s to say what’s true!?!” will come echoing back off that Great Rider of the white horse maybe only an instant before the sword of His mouth demonstrates who’s to say what’s true. Kind of like mopping up the ER.

Love you all,
Steve Corey