The Benefits of Labor
reminds us, his disciples, that even today we reap what was sown by others, “Thus
the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you
to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you
have reaped the benefits of their labor” (John 4:37-38 NIV).
1 comment:
-----”Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” That sounds like something the leftists would not willingly admit to their voting base. Who cares where the Obama-phone came from, “I gunna vote for ‘im cuz he gimme an Obama phone!” Yes! And whirled peas too.
-----If I had grown up in the same city with Karl Marx, I probably would have been a friend of his, not a “share philosophy” type friend, for sure, but a share temperament type friend. His philosophy is kind of like that tomato I stepped on in the dark this morning - not good for anything except for those who have nothing. Marx did not see philosophy as a tool for understanding the social interactions of people, he saw it as a tool for change. And from his conversation with Friedrich Engels we discover that Marx thought the tools for social change were rifles and canons. He and Engels felt another round of French Revolution guillotines would do the world good like I’ve considered these past thirty years that another round of American Revolution would do the US good. Lo! We’re both wrong.
-----The Lord’s philosophy for the poor is the best. He commanded His people to not harvest right up to the boundaries of their fields, but to leave that for the poor and the strangers in the land (maybe like, the illegal aliens? Hmm.) Anything which fell from the harvester’s hand was to be left as well. And if a sheave was forgotten in the field, the harvester was not to go back for it, the poor and the strangers were. Of course, the poor and the strangers could not get this generosity while sitting on their posteriors messing up their heads with another episode of Ellen Degeneres before going to the latest Jesse Jackson rally to learn how much more they should expect. The poor had to get off those posteriors and go out into the fields and do some work, too. It was kind of like helping the harvesters harvest the share of crops they were going to eat instead of the way it is done today: the harvester must harvest his own livelihood as well as the livelihoods he is forced to carry to the poor and illegal aliens on silver platters.
-----It is not that my temperament is ill about the silver platter thing. But our surroundings and activities do modify our impressions about the situations we are in. There is a sense of humility gained by the necessity of entering another man’s field and picking up after his hard working employees. There they wind up more proximate to the realities of the plowing, the planting, the watering, the weeding, and finally, that in which they must participate themselves: the harvesting. It’s how Ruth got married. And I bet more than one popper became a hired hand by impressing the land owner in one way or another, because it definitely made this availability for social interaction between the laborers and the “needers“.
-----Marxism would bypass all that. Like nothing more than a gang of thugs, it pokes a gun in the face of the hard working and sneers, “Gimme more!” It’s best that we people include the Lord’s Word in our philosophizing, lest our governments join the thieves and turn justice upside down for the sake of what in your fields they can pocket themselves .
Love you all,
Steve Corey
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