April 25, 2017


I’m seeing a pattern of elected officials having to publicly admit, “It’s the first I’ve heard about it.” Employees seem to be waiting days, and in some cases weeks, before telling leaders about potentially explosive situations. It’s hard to know the employee’s rationale — stalling in order to come up with an excuse, thinking the situation will just blow over, or hoping with the passage of time it will soften the seriousness. I’m now wondering about Adam and Eve in the garden. Did they think God would never find out they had eaten from the tree in the middle of the garden? Would their punishment have been less severe if they had gone to God immediately? How long did they play hide-n-go-seek in the bushes before being confronted by God; a day, a week? Certainly it was long enough for them to sew fig leaves to cover themselves. It occurs to me that many of us maybe spending time sewing fig leaves and yet we know the day will come when God calls to us, “Where are you” (Gen 3:9 NIV)?

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