March 09, 2012

No Pressure

Each week for over two years I’ve interviewed a member of the congregation and then written a mini-bio about them to share with the congregation. It’s been a great tool for helping us get better acquainted with one another. However, I’m now struggling to find folks to interview. Some people are very private and don’t want to share their lives, while others want more time to collect their thoughts and will say, “Not now, call me back in a couple of months.” I don’t want to pressure people to share, but I hate to see anyone pass up an opportunity to tell others about how God has worked in their life. “Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” (Psalm 66:16 NIV)


Steve Corey said...


-----I doubt you will completely run out of interviewees at your church. You will just have to work harder to find them. But if you do scratch the bottom of the barrel too hard, consider what you might do with the idea that Jesus has lots of brothers and sisters around the valley frequenting other churches, too. It is not a bad idea to spread. I’ve always felt the Lord would be more served by our perceptions of belonging to the church at Montrose, rather than the church at East Niagara in Montrose, or at East Main, or Colorado Avenue, or So. 5th, or No. Townsend, So. Townsend, No. Park, Sunnyside Ln., well, you get the drift. Introducing a few brothers and sisters from here and there might hint at a mentality which would be a bit more appropriate for who He's called us to be.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

Wow Steve. I thought I might work myself out of a job and you just increased my territory!