March 27, 2006


I’ve heard ministers say, “If I get an unsigned letter of complaint or concern it goes unread into the circular file (trash can).” I’m sure there is frustration with receiving an unsigned complaint, but I don’t think being unsigned should be grounds for dismissing a complaint. If I were a leader I think I’d look beyond the writer’s anonymity to ask, “Why is the writer anonymous? Is he afraid of reprisal? Does he feel inferior or bullied? Is the writer concerned he might be labeled a trouble maker?” Speaking from personal experience, once you’ve been on the receiving end of a harsh rebuff from leaders, anonymity looks really appealing. What’s your experience? Are your elders and leaders approachable or intimidating? In expressing your opinion, if you wish to remain anonymous it is perfectly acceptable! Have a good day… Gail


David Wilson said...

I have been looking critically at the United Church of Canada lately, I have been a member since baptism, and later confirmation, and I stayed with them as they struggled with homosexual ministers and so forth, but the last few months I have just not gone - and I miss it. The church has been putting its fingers into the Israel/Palestine conflict, and took a stand on the Danish cartoons as well - and I have found it upsetting. Your profile doesn't say where you are but if you have any views on this I would like to hear them. I e-mailed and spoke with a number of UC people on it but the preachers and above are just covering their behinds, and most of the pew sitters don't really care.

be well.

Christian Ear said...

Hi David, it’s nice to make your acquaintance.

The information on my site is not yet complete, but I’m from Colorado.

As to the issues you mentioned, I think Scripture speaks perfectly clear when it addresses homosexuality. For me, the conflict and the cartoons are more political situations, which sadly can distract the church from the primary focus of spreading the gospel.

I appreciate your speaking up to your leadership even though it ‘appears’ that nothing is accomplished. God is honored because you took a stand and sometimes that’s all He wants from us in certain situations.

We are designed to need fellowship, so I’m not surprised that you miss church. The Spirit certainly won’t let me be content outside of a worship setting. Praying for you as you find a place to worship that meets your needs. Gail

Anonymous said...

I have received unsigned letters from time to time. I don't automatically pitch then the circular file, but neither do I give them much credit. Psychologists will tell you that there is a modicum of shame built in an unsigned letter, thereby causing the author to decline signing it. If I'm writing a letter I believe could show me in a poor light, I go to the "what would Jesus do" school. Would He sign the letter or not? Would Paul? James? Should I? As much as it might hurt, I would have to sign. However, before the letter is written, I am on my knees, then on my feet to find the brother or sister with whom I have a difficulty.

This Christianity stuff is sometimes difficult, isn't it?

We have all of those one-anothers in the epistles, but JESUS also gave us the model for church discipline we must follow to the point of dis-fellowshipping a brother or sister. I haven’t seen it done, but it is usually a last resort. Again, it is heartache to anyone in leadership.

My last point in this mishmash of thought is how will the receiver know to whom to respond if the letter isn’t signed?

Just a few random thoughts.

May God grant you peace.