January 12, 2007

Fear Factor

There are Biblical accounts where people believed in Jesus, but would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue. Although we may not be aware of it…or we don’t want to admit it, the Fear Factor can still be seen in our congregations today. Both members and leaders alike use Biblical and spiritual intimidation as tools for controlling the flock. Although we all react differently in a fearful situation, I personally like Joseph of Arimathea’s response. Secretly a disciple of Jesus because he feared the Jews, he boldly went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Joseph is a good example in how one can be fearfully bold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----The persecution of the early church also brought a dialogue on fear, confession, or concealment to the surface. I desire to say "concealment" out of respect for those who could not bring themselves to confess Jesus before the authorities. It isn't that their fear led them to cast Jesus out of their lives, it is more that it led them to conceal their faith in Him and lie to the authorities. This is much the same as what Peter did. His great sorrow testified to the concealment of the truth, not the jetissoning of it. Jesus later confirmed this by giving him three chances to proclaim his faith to Him. However, Jesus called it denial. I guess I must also.
----Fear is one of man's greatest enemies. It misdirects footsteps continually. So God gave us a very significant piece of advise for ordering our lives and making all decisions: fear God alone. I have ran this race with a solid and wide yellow streak for a racing stripe. And I look back at the events of my life (many of them shameful) to see the crossroads that I should have traveled. But for that racing stripe, much of my life would not have been lived off course.
----I don't think there are many who do not relate to the problem of fear. But it gets cast into the same bin as the rest of the weights about our feet, those sins which we try and long to shake, but for which we only seem to achieve perpetual regret and confession. Thus it was present in Joseph's life to make a secret of his acknowledgement of Jesus. And that was probably why he was there and able to take the body of Jesus (another Biblical example of God making an advantage of man's failures).
----I believe it would be better to do nothing out of fear. But where there is no fear there must be sharp knowledge and clear wisdom. Sometimes where we are not smart or wise enough to know a proper response, fear can keep us away from a situation that may dupe us into a foolish decision. But that reduces freedom.
----So it has always seemed to me that it is good to study and learn as much as is possible about the things around me that may effect my decisions, especially the Bible. The search for what bears out to be the truth in this confused life has been to me a continuous process. I enjoy the search, the find is rewarding, and I love the Truth.
----The more of the truth we humble ourselves to, the more of the fear we become released from. In turn, then operating less from fear, even more truth becomes apparent. It is simply a walk that leads deeper into the priesthood of the believer where the relationship with Christ is truly personal and unaffected by those who would long to take control of you.