July 11, 2007

Tired of Serving

When people move to a new location they are often starting over. Although they may be excited to move on, they may also want to leave behind unhealthy relationships and bad habits. We have similar situations in the church. I’ve heard qualified leaders, ministers and musicians place membership in our church with the qualifier, “I’m not going to be as involved in this church as I was in my last church. In XYZ Church I did everything – that’s not going to happen here.” I understand the hazards of burn-out and the need for a sabbatical. However, I’m surprised by the premeditated withholding and rationing of their gifts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----Paul wrote, “…be urgent in season and out…” (RSV 2 Tim4:2), “Never lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (Rom 12:11). I have always feared burnout. But I have not avoided it by taking lengthy vacations and breaks from work. Rather than having allowed our society to define rest and relaxation to me as the three week vacation, I have defined it myself as getting my work done. I take time off a couple times a year, usually over extended weekends.
-----But that is not a conclusion to no longer do what I am doing. I do not know if the Lord gives a person the burning drive to use the gift that He gives to them. Paul encouraged the Romans and the Corinthians to use the gifts they were given, and Peter did the same in his general epistle. Maybe that is an indication that the ambition does not necessarily come with the gift.
-----But what I do not see in the Word is idea that the gift you once had leaves you, maybe for some other gift. People get good at things and they gain experience in doing them. That is valuable to the brotherhood, because one of the big dimensions of the church is that it is a collection of people who have come together to have needs met and meet needs. Therefore we are encouraged to never flag in zeal, but to have the self-control that can hold focus, and the eyes set on our eternal destiny that can put the difficulties of these times in their place.
-----However, after living with myself 53 years, I am well aware of the inabilities of people because I am well aware of my own. I hope Jesus’ mercy covers our failings in service as well as it does our other failings, because mine are pretty big in that area.