November 14, 2007


Some prominent televangelists are coming under scrutiny because they’ve not been forth coming with financial accountably. Sunday morning I caught a portion of an interview with Dr. Michael Lindsey on Fox News. Paraphrasing he said, “We need to know if a widow’s mite is paying for an evangelist’s Bentley.” I dislike the lavish lifestyle of ministers who preach the ‘prosperity gospel’, but then again, I don’t support them financially. When Dr. Lindsey puts the widow and her mite in the equation, it doesn’t paint a very pretty picture. Of course, neither does hearing about a criminal conning his victim out of their Social Security check.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Behind the Bentley

-----The world of deeds, motives, and the heart of the matter is a complicated one. I am sure the clink of the widow’s mite in the offering plate contrasts sharply with the solid ka-chunk of the Bentley’s door. And I am sure that vast numbers of widows drop their mites in that televangelist’s plate. But I also safely presume that many Bentley drivers have dropped a few mites or more into it, as well. So how much more than their Bentleys does his Bentley shine? Jesus rested His head on rocks for pillows, and so do many others around the world. Does this disgrace the Bentley? Does the rock dust in their morning hair judge the fluffy pillows you and I awake upon each morning? Probably.
-----Circumstances are many and varied. What lies behind the televangelist’s ownership of the Bentley is of more importance to me than that he owns it. What does he use it for? Where does he go with it? Who’s attention is attracted by it, and what is done with the attention? I do not know the answer to any of these questions. I don’t even know half the questions that can be asked. But I do know the callus heeled, barefooted kid of some third world country somewhere would consider my sputtering, bucking ‘84 Bronco II to be Bentley, whatever you and I might decide of the televangelist and his. Although the kid never dropped a mite into my wallet, I acknowledge the sputtering Bronco as a Bentley through his eyes, and I give thanks for it. Does the televangelist give thanks for his? Maybe we should ask.