November 02, 2010

Election Day

In the spring of A.D. 30 two candidates stood before governor Pilate and he asked the crowd, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” And the crowd voted, “Barabbas.” (Matt 27:16-21) As tragic as that election was, we would not have wanted the results to have gone any other way. In the end, our Candidate won.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Your ability to introduce relevant and meaningful analogies never ceases to amaze me. The crowd’s selection of Barabbas was indeed an election, even though it was subjectively measured by crowd response rather than an objective vote count. Although it was not for placing a person into office, it was still a selection between two candidates. And while the crowd’s rejection of Jesus did place Him in an office, so to speak, that placement was purely incidental to the crowd’s choice and was by God’s intention rather than theirs. Their intention was to choose Barabbas, but only by the misguidance of boisterous rabble-rousers.
-----And what was Barabbas? Matthew indicates that he was a prisoner. Mark and Luke narrow this description to an insurrectionist and a murderer, and John adds that he was a robber. So the people were incited to chose a murderous thief participating in insurrection. Now, Barabbas’ murdering was actual, for the Romans would not imprison someone for murder who simply was full of hatred. Yet I John 3:15 says anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and Jesus said, “’...whoever kills shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment, whoever insults his brother shall be liable to council, and whoever says, ’You fool!’ shall be liable to the hell of fire.” (Mat 5:21-22) From the founding of our nation to now our candidates have habitually filled their campaign adds with murder, from almost the best of them to definitely the worst of them. This should never have been tolerated by what needed to be a moral and religious people. But since it has been, your analogy applies deeper, for their very campaigns are established on bad character.
-----By such campaigns, Progressives have taken over the Democrat party, and have infiltrated the Republican party. They are Barabbas by actual nature. Theirs is unconstrained democracy driven to a cancerous state, the private hiding of their actual intentions to gain acceptance by publicly making misleading impressions. They intend not to allow traditions and institutions to emerge from the interactions of a free thinking people, but rather to destroy what freely emerges from the populace for its replacement by their own viewpoints and ideologies. March 21, 2010 could not have better illustrated this. In the face of overwhelming opposition by the public, Progressives forced upon the public their nationalized health care system. That was a theft of the public’s right to choose their own interactions. It was also tantamount to an insurrection, for we the people are the government by the nature of our Constitution. The Progressive action that day served to counter our self-government and destroy it. Then, whoever opposes their ideologies they accuse of being hate-mongering, bigoted, self-serving narcissists, when in fact, these are only common people trying to support themselves according to what they know best. And the Progressives’ murderous nature is not merely symbolism. In places of times past they have subjected multitudes of other people to gas chambers, death by starvation, and the barrels of barking pistols and rifles. This is not an accusation; it is history. Learn it. Also, Progressives of our time and place subject millions of unborn brothers and sisters to the dismantling instruments of abortionists. Progressives are actually murderers. This is not an accusation, it is a conclusion.
-----Yet by a few boisterous rabble-rousers well placed amongst our populace, emotive cries for the election of more Progressives incites a generally good public to continue to elect these thieving, insurrectionist murderers. May God bless this day to run counter to the usual patterns of recent history.

Love you all,
Steve Corey