September 22, 2011

Silence is Golden

Sunday morning a man at church came up to me during the greeting time and jokingly said that I looked uptight, that I needed to loosen up a bit and to not look so grumpy. And I’m supposed to respond how? Although this was not what I’d envisioned as a start-up to the worship service, I decided for the moment it wasn’t worth responding to or taxing my brain trying to figure out his motivation. A few days have passed and I’ve contemplated how my lack of response measures up to the WORD. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.” (1 Peter 2:15 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----That kind of experience was so common to me during the six months I attended a Pentecostal church. I was young - seventeen and went-on-eighteen. And even though my getting serious about the salvation and Jesus I had accepted a couple years prior quite comforted concerns about my eternal destiny, even though some baptism in the Holy Spirit thing they liked to make special big of had me especially smiling around school, church time for me was still contemplation time. And I am sorry, I just don’t smile a lot when I am deep in contemplation. Besides, somewhere amongst all the curtains of my sub-conscious there hangs some backdrop that even yet tends to make me blue-boy. I think it is a little bit natural that lives perishing around the world a murder per second, and by disease and accident, hurricanes and tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, and wild fires, not to mention in wars and by political oppression from the very governments simple folks rely on for security tends to shade a corner of all our hearts kind of blue. So it was rather common that someone would be asking me if I were OK, or telling me to smile a while, and stuff like that. Your friend probably caught you just as a serious thought hit your mind. If one of those strikes you just right and sudden, it can make you look a little cranky before it goes away.

Love you all,
Steve Corey