September 14, 2011


A friend of mine taught in public school for 30 years so the community is full of past students, parents and fellow educators whose lives she has touched. Interestingly I’ve head people criticize this former teacher’s retirement saying, “I’m tired of hearing about her students and that she was a teacher. She needs to get over it and move on.” Recently I overheard this same teacher in a one on one conversation with a young man, who was a past student. Exuding enthusiasm the former teacher said, “I am so proud of you…of where you have come from and where you are going.” Trumpeting our accomplishments aren’t always synonymous with tooting one’s own horn…sometimes it’s merely an extension of our giftedness in being an encourager.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I remember the purpose-driven-church craze of last decade (and hopefully that will be the last of its decades.) It’s instigators and movers and shakers were right about the importance of the church’s purpose. Their abject failure was misunderstanding the nature of purpose itself. It is not yours or anyone else’s to specifically determine. Purpose belongs to the situation and you have to discover it. Of course, ultimately, every situation belongs to God, and therefore every purpose is assigned by Him (not pdc instigators and movers and shakers, this is at the crux of their misunderstanding.)
-----Far less is it our place to ascribe purpose to the different players of a situation in which we are not involved. We can really have nothing to say about those unless we have truly discovered them, which is certainly not the same as ascribing them. I despise toadyism, so my first tendency towards anything popular is to push away from it. It’s a tendency I must keep under careful watch, because it is wrong often enough to be troubling. There are a lot of heroes and heroines who deserve all of the attention they get because of why they do what they do. I suppose there is the possibility this teacher could have been simply boot-licking for attention. But before I would raise myself to that degree of cynicism, I would want to have discovered it to be her purpose beyond any doubt.

Love you all,
Steve Corey