May 01, 2012

As Far as the Gate

My cousin had gone to the funeral of a friend and was so moved by the eulogy written by the husband for his wife that she asked him for a copy. Sixty-four year old Linda, who struggled with a rare form of cancer, passed away last week. Her husband Ken fought the disease with her every step of the way and when she died he was by her side holding her hand. He said of her last moments on earth, “I held her hand all the way to the gates of heaven.” And there is no doubt that Jesus was waiting at the gate to take her hand.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Ken and Linda’s situation is simply real. We are built into a body that is His holy temple because none of us are complete in ourselves. Not only does any one person not have all the skills necessary to perform the responsibilities of Christ’s body on earth, but neither does any one person have all the coping skills required to endure the rigors and assaults of this broken life. The majority of us could not even survive if left alone in the woods. Yes, the Holy Spirit brings our sufficiency. But that sufficiency, whether it is physical goods and supplies, emotional supports, spiritual insights, or educational information He supplies mostly through the hands and on the feet of others in whom He dwells.
-----One of my earliest images of His body was of all His followers holding hands, on the right and the left, such that we are all being drawn together to the goal set before us. So if one happens to trip along the way there is a hand on either side to hold him from going face long into the abyss. And during the rest of the time he is stable on his feet he has the hand of another on each side of him lest one of them trips.
-----Ever after perceiving that image I have looked at and felt differently about everyone around me. I’ve felt a responsibility to hold tightly to anyone who comes into my proximity for as long as they are in my proximity. I desire to enter His presence with the fingerprints of everyone I’ve met on my hands. God bless Ken.

Love you all,
Steve Corey