April 09, 2013

Already Said

I’m working on a non-fiction book proposal and while discussing the premise with others, two people recommended I read a particular fiction novel that they thought had a similar theme. Their intent might have been to help me generate additional thoughts on the subject; however, it felt more like they were saying, ‘What you’re proposing has already been written. I just read this other book that says what you are trying to say and it’s already on the market.’ I have to smile when I think of the Gospel authors Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I wonder if they had similar comments and warnings from their friends, publishers and editors.


Steve Corey said...


-----The number of books in the world are countless. I read a few days ago that the entire amount of writing done up until the twentieth century is now written daily. So I am sure that every topic in the world has been covered. But what has not is Gail’s perspective. Even though that perspective is upon topics covered countless times, it is yet fresh thought which would itself amass a library if fully expressed. Your assignment in life is not so much to cover uncovered topics, but to express your unique perspectives in the terms and attitudes of your personalized understanding. I’ve read books that did nothing for me, then read other books by other authors on the same topics saying the same things with different nuances that sparked my mind into those flash-overs of “got it” for which we all read. Who cares if your topic has been covered a thousand times before? It hasn’t been covered by you! I am sure the tiny sliver of the six billion or so odd-balls in this world who need the nuances of your mind to get their flash-overs, too, makes quite a large number. Write from your heart with your mind, and you will do the Lord well. Discover a way to make what you’ve written findable by those who need your perspectives, and you will have done the world a great service.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

Thanks Steve. I needed that!