April 11, 2013

Iron Lady

I love hearing and reading remembrances of the recently deceased Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s only female Prime Minister. In a report by Associated Press her press secretary said, “Let us not kid ourselves. She was a very divisive figure. She was a real toughie. She was a patriot with a great love for this country, and she raised the standing of Britain abroad.” Thatcher certainly had her political critics, but they always knew where she stood and that she would stand her ground. I think of those in the early church with a similar resolve and determination, such as Paul, Peter, and Stephen. Since we have the benefit of the revealed WORD, I wonder if individuals think Scripture can speak for itself and therefore they are less courageous in confronting and publically stirring the masses. I’d love to see someone in the religious landscape with the tenacity of a Margaret Thatcher. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----A report by the Associated Press! Oh yes, she was a very divisive figure, a patriot with great love for this country! Divisive! Love! Both? They don’t fit. Unless, of course, her love produced divisiveness of ostracizing the fools and idiots whose ideas were destroying her country and the patriotism shown it. But then, that would be the Associated Press among others. So. I don’t think they meant that.
-----Beyond the AP, it is inspiring to think of Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Lech Walesa, and John Paul II performing upon the same stage in the same act and the breach in the world socialist plans that act became. I thank God very sincerely and purposefully for the couple decades of prosperity and dignity He crafted for us by their efforts and integrity.
-----Watching the fruits of their wisdom now skitter, pop, and vaporize like spit on a cherry-red stovetop does not reverse my previous assessment of their being God sent. I had hoped for a few more decades effected by their efforts. But seeing this mix of fools following them portray the prelude to Daniel and Revelation’s Tribulation as well as Charlton Heston portrayed Moses leaves me all the more certain God has written this script, too. And following the despicable act soon to play there just might come that glorious standing O for Jesus. Bring it on, Lord, Bring! It! On!
-----But until we gather in the theatre for that production, I will value the AP for what it’s worth - about one bright and shiny penny dropped into a very fresh and sharply fragrant bull pie.

Love you all,
Steve Corey