April 24, 2013


The newspaper reported that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), who administers millions of acres of public lands in Western States, is asking for public comment on uranium programs. I went to submit my comments, but interestingly, the web address given in the article took me to an environmental group opposing all uranium programs. Going back to the article I did find the ‘official comment site’ listed, however it was more obscure and not as clearly labeled. I suspect that the reporter’s environmentalist bent had something to do with subtly redirecting the public’s attention. Certainly it’s the prerogative of the reporter to be ‘green’. However, leading readers to a website that had not been mentioned in the article brings journalistic ethics into question. Unfortunately, even among believers there are individuals who will use a passage of Scripture out of context to garner support for their line of thought. Whether in the world or in the church, none of us are completely immune from falling victim to deception. “A truthful witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies.” (Proverbs 14:5 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Actually, it is not a reporter’s prerogative to be “green”. I know it is in the public perception. But that sense has been constructed for us by spiritual rebels. They are people of anti-conceptual minds, because conceptualism collapses without a discovered reality. Perception deals quite well with invented “reality“. Spiritual rebels invent because obedience discovers. So, concepts are not reachable by them, only perceptions are. Folks like you and I know what is real because we settle for nothing less than what is true regardless of our desires. But perceptualism needs none of truth. It only needs arrangement. A flower in the meadow gives its beauty as a part of the meadow, which the conceptual mind then strives to explore. The perceptual mind picks that flower and arranges it with many others plucked from various meadows and landscapes for whatever pattern it desires within its own vase.
-----It is his prerogative to be a reporter. A reporter does not pick and arrange facts for reporting perception. Liars do that. Reporters describe and discuss the sights, sounds, and smells of the meadow where the flower of his topic remains alive with all the truths of its interconnections to the other facts found only there. By his choice to be a reporter he has given up any prerogative to pluck the flower for arranging with various facts foreign to it‘s own environment.
-----”Green” is not conceptual. “Green” is perception made by an arrangement of carefully selected facts removed from the purposes of their truths and arranged into a concoction of particular deceit. “Green” is about perceiving man’s submission to the very earth which God commanded him to subdue. It is about the portrayal of man as an image of nature rather than as an image of God. “Green” is antithetical to God’s placement of man into the meadow of concepts interlinked with Him. As my fingernail is a part of me for digging deceit out of the meadow, “green” is a part of Anti-Christ for digging relationship with God out of our minds. God says “Know Me, for I will end this world.“ “Green” says, “Save this world, for there is nothing else.“ We have no way of conceptualizing “green” into the truth of God’s Word. If we re-arranged “green” into what is God's prescribed counterpart for it, we would have white. “Green” is one step short of white and several shades darker. Perceptually, one step’s not bad. Conceptually, it matters neither where that short step falls nor how many there are; short fails to link up. Therefore, be not bewildered by this “reporter’s” leading readers to an internet bouquet. After all, he is not a reporter because he has a reporter‘s job. One is a reporter when his actions match the concept of reporting.

Love you all,
Steve Corey