October 09, 2013

Reading the Cues

Charlie the dog will bring me a squeaky toy when he wants to howl and a dog biscuit when he wants to growl and play keep-away. Of course there are also those times when he gives me a stare down and I haven’t got a clue as to what he wants. In thinking of it from Charlie’s perspective it’s entirely possible that rather than my being attentive to him, maybe he’s being attentive me. I’m wondering if he thinks I am the one in need a lift, so he offers a song of howling, or that he is entertaining me with a little bit of keep-away. During those stare down moments it just might be that he is asking me what I want from him, rather than vice versa. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:8 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----What we don’t know is an incredible limit to us. It is such a limit that it is even limited itself slightly by what we’ve been told by the One who does know. We know a bit about the future, in very general terms. We know sketches of history about the past, and we have sketchy memories about our own pasts. We know what we can sense about what is around us. And that is very basic information made meaningful only by what it stimulates from our memory. Moreover, just because it is ours’ does not necessarily make our memory accurate. That inaccuracy, then, is also a limit. It is no wonder you look at Charlie and wonder.
-----Even though I do not immediately know all the meaning of the Bible, I hold it in my hand as a precious, shining treasure, for God knows clearly, accurately, and completely. It informs me of basics about my human nature, what it has come to be, what it must come to be, and what it will be made to be. It tells me generally when it came to be what it is (when I sinned or obeyed,) when it will come to be what it must become (when I will obey some more,) and when it will be made to be what it will be (when I die or am raptured.) But all these are couched in vagueness. And somehow, that’s got to be good enough.
-----I don’t know for sure the meaning of the blood moons upon the two Passovers following 1492. Or of the two following 1948. Or of the two on the Passovers of 1967 and 1968. But I know each of those years as being very significant to God’s Israelites. I know that Joel wrote of the moon turned to blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. I know that 1492 was the year the Jews were expelled from Spain, as well as the year their new safe-haven, America, was discovered. And we know that following wars in 1948 and 1967 Israel regained first their homeland, then Jerusalem. On the Passovers of 2014 and 2015 there will again be blood moons. What war might there be coming in 2014 (or later this year,) and what might the Lord add to His people’s control as a result? Or will this tetrad of blood moons merely prove the rest to be coincidences after nothing of significance happens? Google “tetrad moon” and watch the YouTube video. If nothing else, it is interesting.

Love you all,
Steve Corey