January 20, 2014

For or Against

An incident was reported in the newspaper about Martin Luther King Jr. being arrested in the 1960’s. Both President Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, worked behind the scenes to help garner Mr. King’s release. It’s interesting that King tried to minimize their participation in his release from jail because, campaign-wise, he didn’t want the Kennedys to benefit from his name recognition. I was reminded of the disciples trying to stop a man from using the Lord’s name to drive out demons simply because the man was not one of them. Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you.” (Luke 9:50 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I don’t think there’s anything more simple or beautiful than truth - the exact match between a mental concept and the reality it conceives. Truth builds its knower into reality as a stone readied to bear a load, and correlates him with all its other knowers as mutual participants in certainty. The darkness of man’s existence is used to snuff truth’s light. But imagination does not snuff the existence of the man who is the truth. We move in Him, or we lie.
-----Dr. King was a great man. But he was a man. He lied as much as the rest of us. As much as the Kennedy’s, too. I would like to know who he would rather have had benefiting from his name recognition. But the fact that it was the Kennedy’s made the acknowledgment of their participation a truth, and the minimization of it, well, at least a little twist of the truth. Nice stuff upon which to build history, though it’s a lot better than the heaps of manure history has become. Then, in mankind’s usual style of turning every advantage towards the self, everything the good doctor said wore like lipstick, while the opposite of what he meant stuffed hearts. Anybody wanna play knock-out? Even small lies seed great oaks.

Love you all,
Steve Corey