January 01, 2014

God Saw It Was Good

God’s first creation was light and He saw that it was good. The light He called “day” and the darkness “night”. God has already seen the light and the darkness of 2014…and He saw that it was good.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Should we then suppose the trend will reverse? It seemed something inside the world’s skin rolled over about or around 1968. Like from an ominous pulsar, beacons of more flashed upon us again and again. Nixon, Carter, Clinton assembling bridges leading from not just this, the world’s superpower, but from what has been perceived as the world’s guardian of temporal dignity - the basic right of a person to set his own course and believe his beliefs without coercion or suppression by government bullies and thugs, bridges from freedom to choose and live Biblically, bridges to something emerging. Bridges we must first cross before we can know the wonders to which they lead.
-----And the more they are built, the more life feels like a crowding, like being at the front of a mob funneling onto them with great pushing, shoving, and command, “Cross or be trampled!” Breaking prudish norms to free sexual expression becomes invalidation of all concepts of morality becomes a demand to bless homosexuality. Freeing the black to sit anywhere on the bus becomes persecution of any criticism of blacks becomes a President who lies freely, frequently, and with catastrophic significance. A chicken in every pot becomes a war against poverty becomes villainy of the productive becomes distributing the rewards of production to the counterproductive. “You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.” (Lev 19:14) Oh these bridges! These awful bridges feel neither righteous nor honest.
-----The near collapse of the world banking system in 2008 was grown from the seed of government/business collaboration planted in 1992. Few admitted this truth. Indeed, it was suppressed. Saddam Hussein was supplying terrorism in Israel and rewarding the families of suicide bombers. Few admitted this truth. Indeed, it was suppressed, as was Pres. Bush’s first military impetus from 911: any nation supporting terrorism was the enemy. The Muslim Brotherhood was created in 1926 to revive a world Islamist empire. Few admit this truth. Indeed, the Brotherhood’s far reaching social activities, organizations, and government infiltrations around the world are praised. Even their committed members in key positions of our government are blessed. And the actual alignments of our current President are with them though his words are with our allies, enemies of his Brotherhood.
-----All is deceit. Everything is served with a shadow of fraud. It’s like humanity’s massive acceptance of the evolutionary myth has made us ignorant as chimps and slimy as slugs. “The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth…” (II Thes 2:9-10a)
-----The evil trap of deceit draws around us by wave after wave of delusion supporting delusions. I’ve lived my life watching the light grow dimmer. And the trend would stop? Not so soon. Yet, we're to see the beginning of an omen in the sky. Change is seeded while we watch the continued onslaught of a foolish press forward to the slaughter. We will see all of existence step one year closer to the extinguishment of evil before the brilliance of perpetual light. 2014 shall see the faithful few cleave to the truth for another year. This is good. Their “Hallelujah!” draws nigh.

Love you all,
Steve Corey