April 03, 2006

Hymn Deprivation

Our church music over the last few years has become predominately praise songs and loud bands, while the hymnals and pianos have become dust collectors. A few weeks ago we set aside a Sunday evening for a hymn-sing. It was an emotional hour as we became reacquainted with old favorites that brought tears to our eyes and lumps to our throats. Many of us are starving to death from hymn deprivation. I know, I know, can’t you just hear music leaders across the nation collectively groan, “Just let it go!” As much as church leaders would like to put the ‘hymn vs. praise songs’ conflict to rest, the issue is not going to go away, nor are people going to just let it go. Most people are willing to accept compromise, but leaders don’t want compromise, they want surrender. This brings to mind the Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-8. Apparently ‘surrender’ was not in the widow’s vocabulary.

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