April 12, 2006

Scripted Sermons

We once had a preacher who memorized his weekly sermon word for word. The sermon was perfectly orchestrated with cues for lighting, music and video clips. When I discovered the minister shed tears on cue for both worship services, I became a little disillusioned. The morning worship service was so perfected that there was no room for spontaneity…or emergency. Sadly, as the nation grieved, the unscripted attack on 9/11 didn’t make it into our Sunday morning worship service. What a shame the Holy Spirit was confined to the script that day.

1 comment:

Christian Ear said...

Family Man,

For a real ‘black and white person like myself, Jesus’ methods of healing are both interesting and frustrating. If I were one of the disciples Jesus sent out to heal I’d be saying to the others, “Now, which method do you think we should use here?”