June 02, 2006

I Can Do It!

Three year-old David, 60 year-old Shelly and 82 year-old Betty have one thing in common…I can do it! David desperately wants to be independent, Shelly is determined to keep her independence, and Betty is not about to let anyone steal her independence. Lately, when others have offered to help in some way, all three have firmly insisted, ‘I can do it!’ Even though I may chuckle at their willfulness, I do so realizing that right now my own independence is not threatened. But…I must admit that there are times in my Christian walk when I stand before the Lord stomping my feet saying, ‘I can do it’! I take comfort in knowing I’m in the company of Moses, Peter and Paul who each had their moments of saying to God, ‘I can do it’!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----Nothing is ever simple. Little David really needs to learn his independence because there will come a time in his life that he will need to do many things for himself, otherwise they just won't get done. Since man broke the perfection that God originally created, man's consequences have been to live in a system where everything must fend for itself or die. Even man was subjected to hard work and labor for that which otherwise would have been there for him just by nature. So we truly do need to do many things for ourselves.
----However, man lives in communities because he can not do everything for himself. I had a sixth grade teacher who would give a swat to anyone he heard say, "I can't." It was not a hard swat, but it got the point accross. And he got his point accross to me all too well. I grew up out of that class confident that I could do anything that I set my mind upon, given enough time. My life has been horribly difficult ever since, as I have always come to depend on finding a way to do most things for which other people would have the good sense to seek help. Consequently for me, I have not learned to ask others for help. And that has walled me off from some truly deep friendships.