August 28, 2006

Growing Cults

An August 25th CBS morning news segment reported on a movement known as ‘Growing in Grace’ that is sweeping across Latin America and now has 30 centers in the U.S. The group’s leader, Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, claims the Second Coming has taken place and that he himself is Jesus. He preaches there is no sin, hell and no need for prayer. Not surprisingly one of the Biblical principals he does encourage is tithing. Miranda’s target group in the U.S. is the Latin community and his movement encourages confrontational protest marches against churches. I’m not as worried about what Miranda preaches as I am about what our mainstream churches are failing to preach. The current trend of feel good, self-help sermons does not equip believers to fight against half-truths and untruths. When the church fails in its responsibility to teach the whole Truth, i.e., false apostles, antichrists, sin, hell and the devil…can apostasy be far behind?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----I Timothy 5:17 speaks of the elders who handle the affairs of the church well (NIV). Knowledge of the Lord is certainly an affair of the church. The Bible tells us to gain it, use it, and share it. It does not tell us to censor it, twist it, or to simply deny it. As any physiacal structure would be weak without a key componant, such as a supporting wall or floor joists, the church is weak without growth in Biblical knowledge.