January 14, 2008

Do You See What I See

I don’t doubt the authenticity of Hillary Clinton’s little emotional moment, the woman must be exhausted. What I question are the words accompanying her emotions. Ms. Clinton tells us that she’s worried for the country. “This is very personal for me. It’s not just political or it’s not just public. I ‘see’ what’s happening and we have to reverse it.” To me Hillary’s voice inflection on ‘see’ implied that her political opponents and the voting public really don’t understand what’s happening in America. It’s as though she is the only one with insight. I don’t like this sort of rhetoric, whether in politics or in the church. I don’t need someone loaning me their visionary glasses just so I’ll agree with their version of reality. In the case of believers, it’s the Spirit who opens our eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I appreciate it when people tell me how they see things. I am as careful as I can be with the time I have to assure the conclusions about my own observations are correct. But I am far short of the time necessary to observe all things observable, or to think all thoughts thinkable about what little I have observed. Therefore, most of my conclusions I hold to be subject to change. And that subjection to the possibility of change is why I like to hear about what other people see.
-----What does bother me, though, is when one calls others to join in what has been seen when that sight was disjointed from reality. Time being short and the necessity for wisdom being great, one must observe and think with maximum efficiency. That means building an understanding of the basics first, conforming that understanding as closely to reality as possible, and then moving on without reinventing those basics for every situation. For Hillary’s situation, such basics as the acknowledgment of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, of the powers of the office of the Presidency, of the need for a nation of people to conform to law as it is written, of the need for the truth about matters to be disseminated to those people, combined with the willingness to simply think logically and without bias are only a few of the many basics she needs to abide by before I can view her insights as valid. In a church situation, acknowledgment of the Word of |God, of the headship of the Lord over a truly changed and obedient life, of the need for the people to conform to the Word as it is written, of the need for the truth about matters to be disseminated to those people, combined with the willingness to think humbly, logically, and without bias are a few of the basics one needs to abide by before I will view their insights as valid. It is simply basic to me. It does not matter to me whether one has found his or her way into the eldership, upon the staff, into the |Congress, or into the Whitehouse. If the basics of what attaches observation to reality is not there, I will not regard the insight as valid.
-----Hillary certainly has not exhibited an understanding of any such basics. I can not take her statement of sight as valid. Moreover, I suspect that what Hillary “sees,” is all of the many situations, events, and ideologies that she hopes people might think in the place of “what’s happening.” The ploy is to convince as many people as possible, therefore the language is vague and full of variables. Many people will trick themselves into thinking she is talking about their “hot issues” simply by interpreting her vacant terms subjectively. It is a liar’s way of doing business.