April 17, 2009

Young at Heart

Most of us mature as we grow older, with the exception of those who are afflicted with the Peter Pan Syndrome. I think in my younger years I may have felt that the Spirit living within me matured as I matured. It was as though we were a team, learning and becoming wiser together. Has it ever crossed your mind that the Holy Spirit doesn’t age? It makes you wonder how much patience is needed to live in the hearts of believers who don’t want to grow up.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Understanding the social psychology of people, I would think the Holy Spirit gets impatient with us all. People are effected by the thoughts and actions that happen around them. The influence our behavior and speech has on others happens naturally because everyone to some degree desires to fit in the crowd. Therefore, the better God’s child thinks and behaves in the crowd the higher the bar of belief and behavior is raised for everyone, however minutely.
-----But knowing how influence within social groups effects people, I tend not to think the Holy Spirit is too busied with impatience. More important than the general influence His believers have upon the overall mass is the personal influence they have upon their accepting friends and neighbors. Often these friends and neighbors are not so close to the Lord in their own thought and behavior. So the Lord can have a better resource in a child not far displaced from their norms for delivering the more specific idea that might spark a flame in one of them than He has in the transient Bible thumper coming around preaching lofty principles and repentance. The Lord wrings benefit out from even the most immature believer in subtle ways. He carries little, precious bits of influence to where the squeaky clean, soapy faced Mr. SundaySchool has maybe no one listening. So I understand why it is that faith is measured to each of us by the Lord’s choice (Rom 12:3).
-----As important as the child’s simply being an influence is in the least, and even more, his outright preaching to many is, we can not forget that the basic purpose of the Lord’s desire for a soul is to get its sorry hide saved from the Day of Destruction. Once that soul is on board the life boat, I am sure the Holy Spirit breathes some sigh of relief. At least as I am able to imagine, I would think from then on He would have less time for impatience being a bit too occupied with keeping the child from diving back into the sea .

Love you all,
Steve Corey