November 19, 2009

Politically Correct

Last week I was in a public arena and started to interject something about the Lord when I was bitten by the PC Bug. I choked back my comments and made them ‘acceptable’ to anyone and everyone who might be in the audience…and I’ve been repenting ever since. What I find especially aggravating is that in hind sight, I doubt if anyone in attendance would have called me on the carpet for bringing the Lord into the conversation. I know I’m not alone. Many of us are so victimized and traumatized by the media that the spirit of the PC police doesn’t even have to be present for us to cave under perceived pressure.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----When I was a child, we had a cute dog which I watched die of strychnine poisoning. My brother died in an auto accident. All of my grandparents and most of my aunts and uncles are deceased. Everything and everybody alive will die. All of today’s governments and philosophies will end, as countless ones have ended in the past. Even the astrophysicists theorize one of two ends for the known universe: a collapse upon itself, or an eventual flying apart of all matter. Everything of our present existence will come to an end (eons before the astrophysicists expect.) Except the Word of God.
-----The first words ever spoken in our existence were God’s Words, “Let there be light.” God was the first to speak to mankind, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it...” And God has not stopped speaking to mankind. Even in the time of the earth’s worst tribulation to come, God will speak to people through His two witnesses and in the seven thunders. Throughout His speaking to mankind, and to continue in His speaking, His message is constantly about Jesus Christ, the only Savior of anyone from their end.
-----PC people do not believe this. Thank God, it does not depend upon their belief. The end and Christ’s salvation will happen as God orders regardless of what anyone believes. Then, the only importance a belief has is it’s effect upon whether or not the one holding it will end with their end or will survive their end. And having received God’s nature in the renewing of our heart’s, we love the PC people and wish to see them survive their end as well. We must communicate whatever bit of truth we can to them, however convincingly we might be able, using whatever terms they might best understand. So, you speak, too, girl!
-----Use the rules of communication: speak the truth; never destroy your listener, but always build her into the truth; know his terminology, and in as much as it accords with the truth, use it; know her understanding, never extending your point beyond it’s present reach; and finally: always interest, never bore. Often terms must be generalized, but not denatured. If you must then use the term, “Our Creator,” instead of, “Our Lord,” before a mixed crowd, you will remain faithful to the truth, respectful of the rules, and open to invitation for further meaning. Often terms must be adjusted to the truth. I shy away from “Separation of church and state,” for it leads to the fallacy of “separation of church from state.“ But I use, “Separation of state and church.” It leads to the constitutional principle of, “Separation of state from church.” Be smart, be honest, stay Biblical, use the rules of communication instead of PC rules, and you will always be calling your listeners to become about Christ before they end, whether it sounds like it or not.

Love you all,
Steve Corey