November 02, 2009


The other night a young man on the phone ask me to do a survey on environmental issues. Even though I don’t have a green bone in my body, I agreed to answer his questions. He began by asking what year I was born and I told him 1948. “Oh, I’m sorry.” he said, “But, we’ve already filled that year’s quota.” I choked back some of my incredulous laughter…which I’m certain was totally wasted on the kid. The conversation brought to my mind Rehoboam. When the elders who had faithfully served his father Solomon didn’t give Rehoboam the answer he wanted, he simply turned to the young men he’d grown up with. (I Kings 12:1-15) Believers too can be caught up in going from one person to another until we get the answer we want.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Great analogies! Dig a quarter out of your purse. Notice that it has two different appearing sides. Flipping it back and forth, notice that the two sides are the substance of the same thing, a quarter. Envy and greed are the same, two flip sides of selfishness. I relish the choice of green as the color representing environmentalism, because it also is the color representing envy - the flip side of greed. Treating the environment with godly respect is healthy, but the environmental movement is greedy for all the control it can get, and it is envious of any activity not swayed by its own control. It is perfectly green.
-----Now, dig out of your memory the color wheel. Green falls between blue and yellow, straight across from red. Green is the perfect color compliment of red. Red is the color of collectivism. Hitler’s swastika was set against a backdrop of red, the Bolsheviks were red, and Mao’s Chinese were red, because red represents the spilt blood of revolution. The carriers of these revolutions are always the young, because they dupe easily, they are passionate, and they are energetic. They can be counted upon to mindlessly carry a principle beyond its reasonable boundaries into the despotic regions of tyranny, since they have not enough experience to give second thought to what they are doing.
-----Collectivism is the nemesis of individualism. The laws of God are now being written upon the heart, the element of the individual. The reception of God’s law is a heart by heart issue. Yes, there must be community amongst God‘s individual hearts - the assistance, encouragement, and exhortation of one heart towards another. But the collection of the hearts must still operate in and with a reality that they neither make or define, one made and defined by God. Collectivism steps outside this boundary set by God to make and define its own reality so that it can take the seat of God in relation to the individuals involved. Any individual who then does not accept this new reality becomes its enemy and must be defeated. For this battle, youth is perfect.
-----Rehoboam turned to youth to serve his greed by feeding upon God’s individuals. The Tower of Babel was the product of a collective effort to redefine the truth about God and His individuals. I agree with Rush Limbaugh, environmentalism is the new home of Marxism, because it provides the “crisis” needed to scare God’s individuals into compliance with a collective power redefining the relationship between man and God. XYZ Church turned to the young adults to redefine worship by collective agreement. And they, too, made enemies of disagreeing individuals. All of this may not be the sinew and bone of the beast to rise from the sea, but it is the heart and soul of it.
-----Therefore, why do we hear so much about surveys and polls? It is important for the peddlers of the new society, the new world order, to know the demographics of both their opposition and their allies on the one hand. And on the other hand, it is to convince the individuals that everyone is thinking their way, so you had better think that popular way as well or be called a kook today, be marginalized tomorrow, and be eliminated when they collect full power. A little surprise for the collectivists: God is what He is. No amount of imagination or agreement will change Him. In fact, it is He Who will make the final changes. I advise these poll taking collectivists to mind their own business, which is to change their own lives of their own volition into lives with God as He is, before He changes them into death as it is - without Him.

Love you all,
Steve Corey