November 13, 2009

Veteran's Day

Speaking as a Veteran I appreciate the recognition that comes with Veteran’s Day, which was November 11th. It may be because of the recent tragedy and loss of life at Fort Hood, but I found this year to be especially meaningful as friends and strangers alike made more of an effort to personally say, ‘Thank you for your service to America.’ Perhaps we in the church should consider doing something similar. It might be interesting to greet other believers, especially those outside of our own denomination, with, ‘Thank you for your service to the Kingdom’.


Steve Corey said...


-----I feel ashamed. I hold the highest regards for World War II veterans, then for veterans of the Korean and Viet Nam wars. They fought against the collectivist tyranny of the political cousins of the current left wing liberals who are busily dismantling America’s freedoms and steering us towards the resignation of our sovereignty to a developing global new world order. Admittedly, I never crossed paths with one of these veterans in the last couple weeks. But the thanks they deserve for slowing down this rising tide of tyranny is special, and they deserved to be sought out and acknowledged. Then there are the rest of the veterans, including you, who have been just as important to the preservation of this great nation which emerged by the hand of God. Thank you, Gail. Finally, there are the never enlisted veterans (actually current warriors) who have held back the collapse of America’s freedom until these perilous days of rule by progressive tyrants (I so much want to call them “regressive“, but few would understand to what I would be referring.) They are Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, especially Glenn Beck, Rusty Humphries, Mark Levin, and so many more. Some may be actual veterans, but they are all engaged in a fight for our freedom. To these: thank you as well.
-----And what a great idea you have! May I be the first to thank you for specifically suggesting a thanks to those of other denominations. We who call on the Lord for salvation are entering a kingdom, more than a denomination, a body more than a local church. The acknowledgment a “thank you” to our fellow workers gathering at locations other than our own is double. It acknowledges the efforts put forth as well as the unity of His body. Thank you for what you do for His kingdom, Gail, here at your ChristianEar blog in the least, and everywhere else even more. And thank you all for the smiles, hugs, kindness, grace, mercy, honor, respect, simple politeness, and all the other godliness you show to the neighbors of our community, which along with your tithes, worship, and other services to your churches are the wires the current of His Spirit flows through to hearts needing a touch. God bless you all.
-----Now, Gail, what day do you think this Christian veterans day should be? Let’s roll!

Love you all,
Steve Corey

P.S. As desastrous as the Ft. Hood attack was, I believe people are becoming aware of what grips our land of freedom from within. Watching this thug of Chicago-style-politics whom we call our Presisent is making it painfully obvious that the same thuggery has taken control of our Congress and has been in control of our Judiciary. At the same time we are perceiving this grave peril from within, we have seen the butchery of their political cousins overseas - Stalin, Mao, Khmer Rouge, Castro, etc., many of whom are philosophical sources held in honor by those in control of our languishing nation. We see the devastation of irrational action within, and the devastation of similar actions abraod, and many of us are beginning to perceive the connection, though maybe not actually connecting these dots. I suspect maybe this is why Veteran's Day has been on the lips of people this year moreso than other years.

Christian Ear said...

I’m thinking that every day we have opportunities. I make time to say thank you a waitress for good service, a receptionist for being courteous or a stranger for holding a door open…surely when I identify a fellow believer I ought to be able to tell him, ‘Thank you for his service in the Kingdom’. I’m going to give it a try anyway. Who knows, maybe it will become habit forming!

Steve Corey said...

P.S. again
-----Veterans Day is about our temporal security and freedom to express our spiritual convictions. A Christian veteran's day would be about our eternal security and its expression within our temporal conditions. Might I then suggest the day that falls 182 days after Veteran's Day.