December 14, 2009


Lately I’ve been skimming a book titled Do-It-Yourself Advertising. One section states, “Practically no one buys anything solely because of its features – it’s the benefits that sell.” The example the author gives is that you shouldn’t advertise, ‘the world’s best seeds,’ but rather, ‘the world’s best lawn!’ I think I see some spiritual application that can be made. In the world we live today, they would have us consider Jesus based on his features, such as being a teacher, a prophet and the son of Mary. What the world doesn’t was us to promote is the benefit that Jesus is to each of us personally.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Well said. The reason the world does not want us to promote Jesus’ personal benefit for everyone is because the world knows people submit to who benefits them most. It will acknowledge that He was a great teacher of love, peace, and joy, which things it also acknowledges as primarily important. But the world wants to be the benefactor of these to gain the people’s submission to itself. So it jealously rejects Jesus’ inward features - that He is God and that the love, peace, and joy He teaches can only be had by accepting Him as such.
-----We can understand this attitude better when we analyze the rouge of advertising more closely. Indeed people buy products for their benefit. Therefore, in wanting the world’s best lawns, they will buy the world’s best seeds. But the truth is that the company sells only the seeds, not the lawns. This means a person can only buy from it the world’s best seeds, and then must do the world’s best job of planting and watering the seeds in the world’s best soil to have the world’s best lawn. So, if a company desires to be successful it must sell the seed with the world’s best instruction booklet.
-----The world does not mind at all the promotion of the features of Jesus as long as the purchaser ignores the instructions and places Him upon a shelf as a bag of seeds. What the world actually hates is the instruction booklet that comes with Him, because it shows how to turn His features into our benefits. Since He wrote the booklet, then the world is shown to be a liar for hating whom it says is a great teacher while hating the words He spoke. And all of this is brought out of the darkness into the beneficial light by planting and watering the seeds according to their accompanying booklet. So the world both objects to the use of its own rouge for advertising Jesus, and demands that Jesus be sold without instructions.

Love you all,
Steve Corey