December 18, 2009

Strong Willed

Our state voted to approve the use of medical marijuana and now unregulated dispensaries are springing up all over the place. A couple days ago I heard a legislator say, “The people have spoken. Now it’s our job to figure out [the] legislation to carry out the will of the people.” Voters feel it’s a good thing for our leaders to respond to the demands of the people, but not always. “Build us a golden calf…Let’s build a tower that reaches to the heavens… Give us Barabbas”. We can point fingers at a person or group for the national situations we find ourselves in, but really the one to blame is the will of the people.


Steve Corey said...


-----Our politics have deteriorated into the sad story of the monkey chasing the weasel around and around the mulberry bush. The mulberry bush is all the bad premises accepted into our political debates. The weasel is the liberal Democrats focusing upon those bad premises to transform our culture and politics from the foundation they were set upon to the European foundation. The monkey is the conservative Republicans ever dreadful that he might fall out of popularity with the public’s transforming opinions. The monkey refuses to become a weasel, because he knows what weasels are. Yet he also refuses to leave the weasel’s mulberry bush because he knows of the public’s addiction to the savory taste of the juicy, little berries. So all the cowardly monkey thinks to do is chase the weasel, giving himself the appearance of being an alternative choice, yet still following the weasel’s lead.
-----The weasel’s ability to work his chicanery extends from both the American foundation and the European foundation having been laid upon the thinking of Rousseau. At the core of his philosophy and the heart of Democracy is “The will of the people” . But America’s founders were wise enough to cap and seal the rest of Rousseau’s garbage from their democratic Republic. Rousseau proclaimed God to be dead and the state to be supreme, therefore the individual must align himself with the general will or be expelled. Our founders proclaimed God to be supreme and the individual to at God’s interest, therefore the state was to be the individual’s protective servant effected by the will of the people and constrained by a Constitution.
-----Therefore, this will of the people is the kingpin upon which the weasel spins his deception. While Rousseau proclaimed God to be dead, America’s founders proclaimed Him to be alive and effective, and that their Constitution (the heart of their politics) would serve none other than a religious and moral people. But the monkey/weasel chase has focused around the mulberry bush so much the public now eats only from it. They have come to believe the mulberries’ purple stains on their fingers and lips are the purple of royalty and God is indeed dead, making themselves God. They consider the Constitution archaic and their royal will supreme. All who then disagree with their will must be expelled, just as Rousseau desired.
-----We all have thought the monkey wins in the end, “Pop goes the weasel!” But as music goes pop, and Hollywood’s big screen displays pop stars, so also in this pop culture, “Pop goes the weasel!” It is time for the monkey to stop chasing the weasel and to leave the mulberry bush. All around are ignored peach trees, and pears, plums, oranges, apples, walnuts, and pecans. The garden is rich with variety in freedom given by God. It is full of other good premises. And as goes the popular story of the lone monkey who inspired all the other monkeys to wash their fruit in the sea by washing his own in it first, if this monkey will abandon the chase and enjoy the other fruits, so will the public. Then eventually the stains of royalty will fade away from the fingers and lips of the people.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

I want to acknowledge that Jeff submitted a brief post; however it was simply a link to a web site. I’m not familiar with the writers and the content of the specific article so I don’t feel comfortable with posting the link.
