September 02, 2013


Speaking to his disciples Jesus said, “…the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” (John 4:37-38 NIV) I find it interesting that most of us have determined in our own mind that our ‘mission’ is sowing. We seldom recognize reaping, whether it is in ourselves or in others and yet Jesus said, “I have sent you to reap what you have not worked for.”

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I like your statement, “We seldom recognize reaping.” Sowing can be done as easily as sprinkling seed at the ground. Indeed, knowing what ground is best for the germination of seed, and how deep to rake it over does make for a bigger harvest, still, getting the seed to the ground is the main point. And gravity can do most of that work.
-----Reaping is different. It takes knowledge, and it takes work. You can’t reap before the crop’s time. Nor can you after its time. There is an appropriate time window for each crop, and you must know what the fruit looks like inside its own window. Then you must know how to reap without damaging the crop. Finally, reaping runs counter to gravity.
-----Of course, metaphors are limited in their utility. Plowing the seed in can take hard and deliberate work too. But a seed can be planted by a favorite expression or action which sparks a line of thinking. But reaping often involves giving a line of thinking instead of sparking it. Not many of us are reasoning and persuasive enough to be able to give the right line of thinking (knowing how to reap.) Some of us are not even good enough to notice the cue (knowing what the fruit looks like inside its own window of time.) Yet we all do what we know, and all the fruit He’s assigned to heaven indeed gets reaped.

Love you all,
Steve Corey