May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

In all things, even war — “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Ro 8:28 NIV).  After the devastating defeat to Japan in 1945 a concentrated effort to evangelize the downtrodden country was made. There was a sense that the ravages of war softened the country to the point that they’d eject their gods and embrace God. Although analysts today argue about the long-term success of the effort in Japan, the fact remains that with any war, doors of evangelism open and the Gospel spreads.


Steve Corey said...


-----War is not much different than anything else. Men make up their minds about their beliefs, then they find ways to work every situation into those beliefs. Christ’s math always defines mankind this side of eternity: many travel the road to destruction, but few walk the road to life. Within a seven year period of time (nearly the same time the Japanese experienced as WWII,) hail mixed with fire and blood will fall on the earth and burn up a third of its vegetation as a warning. A third of the sea and its fishes and man’s ships will be destroyed by an asteroid or something like it, as a warning. Another third of the drinking water will be poisoned killing many as a warning. A third of the sun, moon, and stars’ shining will be darkened as a warning. For five months terrifying insect-like beasts will torture only those who are not the Lord’s to the point they long to die, yet can not, as a warning. Then a great troop of ungodly warriors killing a third of mankind are released upon earth as a warning. Regardless of even such warnings, “The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or walk; nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their immorality or their thefts.” (Rev 9:20-21)
-----I am appalled at how this same mindset disgraces the sacrifices of our veterans, especially our WWII vets. People have come to believe that we, today, are “America the Great“, established to make your life happy and wonderful. Then they give their obedience to men feigning to be the wisest in all the ways of prosperity and safety that make utopia. If you do not eventually bow to their thoughts and demands and decisions, little minions will give you into crushing hands. We have seen its rise. Ask Howard Cosell. Ask Paula Dean, and Marge Schott. Consider the immense burden of regualtion cast on business and citizens alike. Yet rather than heed the warnings, we welcome the same beast our grandparents died defeating in 1945.
-----America is not a collection of citizens. They can vote America dead. America is not a piece of land. Land knows nothing and serves anything. America is a way of living with one another. It is an agreement to civility which counts upon responsibility from each and every one as that civility’s free expression. America is a way of interacting with one another whereby every civil one gets to use his own mind and make his own decisions and enjoy the results thereof.
-----Freedom leads to goodness only when law acts to defeat badness. Law today is used to defeat political opposition, to make social change, and worse yet, to sweep all of our individual initiative into the hands of our surrogate decision makers who're smarter than everyone. Devious people confused us about what is good and what is bad so their elitist worshipfuls could rise above our chaos with every answer. We have been tricked into loosing America in the thickets of rhetoric. Still we march on to even more, regardless of the warning.
-----For the sake of our vets, clear the confusion by remembering, good does good. Bad does bad. If you would not like it done to you, it is probably bad. America remains only in the hearts of those who genuinely love and appreciate others the way they would rather be loved and appreciated themselves. America will only be remade as what our veterans sacrificed themselves for when those who so love and appreciate have become its culture from main street to D.C. It is ours who know and love the Lord to carry on the truth "America" has left as it was carried on before America was made. And that is how we truly honor the veterans. To you, Gail!

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Christian Ear said...

Well said.
Thank you,